God in every circumstance of life
excellence, not perfection.
C-CCOUNT your blessings instead of adding your sorrows.
D-evuelve everything you borrow.
E-ncomienda three people every day
F-iate of God with all your heart and do not trust your own intelligence
G-Ozal with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.
H-az new friends, but appreciates those who already have.
I-nvites Christ to be your Lord and Savior.
J-love miss an opportunity to express love.
L-ee your Bible and pray daily.
M-Antentas alert to the needs of your neighbor.
N-or blame others for your misfortunes.
O-lvida offenses and forgive as God forgives you.
P-Romet all you want, but fulfills all that promise.
Q-ue know you as a person he can trust.
R-Recognizing that you are not infallible and apologize for your mistakes.
S-é the friendly and enthusiastic person you know.
T-rata to all as you would like to be treated.
U-Nete grateful to the Army.
V-ístete of mercy, humility and patience.
Y-do not forget to support others the way you support.
Z-beguiling Afat from the clutches of Satan.