served a month in my new job .. .. and I am very happy to have made the decision to quit my old job ... and accept this, because as said before, this new job is in a completely different to the previous item.
goodbye for this I thank opportunity and that although it is more active, more dynamic is also much more flexible for me I have to worry about my children.
I like to meet different people ... it is gratifying to bridge the gap between their needs and the companies that can meet those needs in a comprehensive manner.
So you know, I'm in an insurance brokerage, and I am here to serve, if you need to secure your vehicle, your home, your family. Just send me an email to and I loved the attending.

At this time there have been some things a little strange around me I could have (or I have) on the verge of collapse, but as I've been entusiasmadisima with my work, the truth is that I have not taken the weight or I have not given the importance but ... You I will write.
That if I learned that: "Life is good, one must know how to live it."

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