Our love story began several weeks ago now, online as many existing relationships .... You in Córdoboa in your Chenil; us in Figueres, with our pack in a larger Chenil ....
wanted to make people aware of how important our region that were accepted and adoptions .... moríais ye in your kennels to over 40 degrees, some already in time of sacrifice ... and here we are, despite the crisi and all was well. Our dogs were happy, like so many here in Girona ....
submissive wanted a greyhound and we did not care if he had psychological wounds ... because in the pack to learn what it's like an ordered, limits, rules, exercise and much love, learn to play well with humans ...
And looking for a greyhound you showed , Sally, especially as no.
wanted to dedicate our vacation to you, your recovery, your integration into the herd ... and as the song says, to take off slowly poison your fears and love .... Yes, finally arrived, the August 6, 2010 .... I wore galetitas Pemi and water and a thousand things and the camera and all our hopes .... We knew we were arriving very very scared and would need a long long time ....
The carrier and its cruel treatment towards you as objects rather than living, 112 who said you were not an emergency until you're biting needle, the desprotectora the next and we had denied help .... nobody helped you in your panic attack. No one could see you were not free, he could not think, you were a slave to your fears and ghosts ... Only my husband and I ran and crying over you, because even with good pricnicipo and they gave us no help, the end very badly painted.
was two weeks, my love, Sally, of not sleeping. Day of looking for leading us with frozen water bottles to drink during the defrosting of the heat that was terrible, hanging hundreds of posters, take anti-inflammatories for the knees because both up and down the rear seat of the bike to hang the posters went bill, to speak with a thousand peasants, to walk the damn train tracks again and again torcíiéendonos them over and over our ankles, searching in dusty roads under a moon that day was new .... desprotectora begging to again and again it seemed that you had seen in an area and to please send someone .... always getting response to see if everyone had to be aware of "that" dog ... Listening blatantly lied to us telling us how they did not have the cerbantana needed to rescue Sally, because Catalan was forbidden (bound by the night to find a damn blowgun at any point in Spain ....).... for then "their" vet to write the Ark of Noah, saying that he does have one .... On Friday we had a 3 feet away, she walked by a roadside .... HAS BEEN WITH OUR !!!!!!!!. Blowgun
We seek by land and air, Ricard with a motor glider, I wish there had been more like him Rafa Cintado in every spare moment he had; Makame, Begoña i Ester against the computer in their works by sending posters and notes escrbiendo TramuntanaDogs Wall reports from the news and needs that we were taking, SOS 112 COLLIE AND HOUNDS looking site with their dogs .... even while you're looking for you with colli and paragliding in a zone, a veterinarian's client was seeing you in a very different a few miles ... little thing, of course, and the vet advised us more about 36horas Later ... thank you, lord of the Canis Figueres, for his great interest.
Just you give yourself away. In fact we only saw you coming on Friday and Saturday next. I saw, I saw ... We played to squeeze the collar, I touched, sky, touched you, a touch, let me smell .... you were so close ... but the deal they gave you your terror activated and made you escape. Lift your head from a distance and even though you were sure you had because I could meet you .... then you girabas ... I kept walking and made them invisible, God, absolutely invisible, including corn, alfalfa fields, irrigation, round straw bales .... invisible. The Other weeks we chased calls to us ... and no see ... to the terrible call and the final moment. And certainly grandulllona, \u200b\u200bwas you. Many calls Sally, as many p. ... calls and that was that which led us to your body ??????????
could not be that you were dead, it was impossible!, I had to go, sure it was a bad injury ... but all of you, my love, all spoke of death ....
We broke up in pain, rage, vomiting, frustration and more pain and tears, Sally. Murieste a few meters from the desprotectora ... qurerían or even come and collect your body .... Sally muriste alone and not comfort me to have done everything possible for you. COMFORT ME NO NOTHING IN THIS LIFE BITCH !!!!!!
Some say go ahead, there's more to continue fighting. But Sally, in your ashes are my ashes, and so many people that you wrote words of love. Sally, I still sleep at night, you sleep now look to you and your Soul Mate (and you know we rescued in your honor). Sally, you were our little girl for a while .... we loved you dearly. And there is comfort to so much injustice.
Wish you were here at my feet looking at me with those big eyes of piratilla transprent and those ears that had that besuquear.
I love you,
All fields, train tracks ... roads bridges, straw bales ... the ruins where we let you comidita ... everything, everything reminds me of you. We've been so close ... and so far ... I saw, I saw ... your face rather peqeñita ... I saw you .. walking up and down and watching from afar ... I saw, I saw ... I looked ... I found ... tears and cries of despair I found heartbreaking.