NEED shelters
for TramuntanaDogs Adoptions Saturday, 18 September 2010 at 21:52
We have to gather together a few shelters Time for urgent cases.
A shelter houses and feeds the dog (the dog is only spending while at home) until you get an adopter or even during a time determntat agreed but has not been a taking. We believe that NOT EVERYONE CAN GET SOME? OUR HOUSE? PARENT? Mother? ANY FRIEND animal lover??. You were shelter and have no dog received at this time because there is no need ...
But we need to make a list of houses to cover emergency cases and not have to start looking for them just one day see an abandoned dog.
Now we rescue the Soul ... We and our group have ... another day we found one that lost to us because we stayed ... but thank god immediately appeared the owners .... the other day and tell us a couple of puppies to abandonadets Figueres ... and what would have done if had not resolved the issue directly ???????. Where had been ?????.
not do anything like that note ... We must take action and speak with our contacts, getting an emergency, which had brought the dogs. Not that we want to desprotectora ????????.
Thanks and a hug to all @ s. I hope your news .... Only names and telephone numbers are needed to make a relationship, and in any case, how many dogs are welcome. Internal mail me please.
TramuntanaDogs Adoptions
We have to achieve between all together unas cuantas casas Temporary day care for urgent cases.
A shelter takes in a dog and feeds it (only cost while the dog is at home) until you get an adopter or even during a specific time agreed but has not left an adopter. Not believe that we can all get some? OUR HOUSE? OUR PARENTS? LAWS? ANY ANIMAL LOVER FRIEND ?????. Shelter can be and have no dog received at the time because there is no need ...
But we need to make a list of homes available to cover emergency cases and not have to start looking for some just the day you see a puppy left ...
rescued soul these days .... and we have .... another day we found a stray dog \u200b\u200bwho also stayed till us thank God once appeared the owners .... and the other day warning us of a couple of dogs in Hostalets Llers abandonaditos ... and what would have done if the subject had not solved dierectamente ??????. Where we would have put ??????
We cliqueis is no use to "like" the note ... we must take action and speak with our contacts, arriving an emergency, have nowhere to leave the dogs. You do not want that to relocate ????????? desprotectora
Thanks and a hug to all of you I hope your news .... It only takes names and numbers to make a list of shelters and in any case, how many dogs can accommodate each house. Please send by internal mail.
TramuntanaDogs Adopcions
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