THE LEISHMANIA: The well-known disease called Phlebotomus mosquito, the parasite invades various organs of the body of the animal and may even cause death. Clinical symptoms vary greatly, but there are obvious signs like skin lesions, alopecia, weight loss, muscle atrophy, necrotic skin wounds that just the area, like ears, snout.
With Bach Flowers can help a lot during the disease process to lower the level antibodies, together with the well-know allopurinol.
essences recommended in these cases are: Crab Apple for its cleansing effect, CENTAURY, for weakness, GORSE very important for its positive action on the immune system, Scleranthus, leishmaniasis is a cyclical disease, so important this flower, OLIVE, for exhaustion and deadness that causes the animal, and the first months RESCUE REMEDY, by the emergence of sanación.También process must deal with creamy skin areas affected by the disease, nose, alopecia, ears ...
With a base cream with Aloe Vera: CRAB APPLE + BEECH + + OLIVE HORNBEAM Star of Bethlehem + + + CENTAURY CLEMATIS.
The application shall be three times a day in the affected areas for a minimum of two months.
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