One of the best aids to overcome the discontent is knowing that God wants you to be yourself and do not you try to be someone else.
According to an ancient Japanese parable, there was a Japanese man named Hashmu stonemason who was poor and sometimes grumbling for their work stressful. One day, while a stone was crumbling, the emperor was mounted a beautiful horse. "How wonderful if I could be the emperor!" Thought Hashmu. And while even the words in your mind, a voice said: "Be Hashmu the Emperor!" Immediately became emperor.
Following on horseback, began to feel the heat of the sun. Then he decided to be the sun, and became the sun, but when the clouds prevented him from shining on earth, asked to be a cloud. He became a cloud and rain watered the fields. The water swept everything except a large rock that was in the river. " Therefore, Hashmu thought it was better to become a rock, but when a man began to chisel with his tools, decided to become a man. And a voice said: "Hashmu, be yourself!" Hashmu So they resumed their work tools and resumed their work content.
"Be yourself!" This is what God expects of you, and is the path to happiness. God made us all different because he wants that each occupies a particular place and perform a particular work in life. If we imitate others, or want their responsibilities did not meet our special part of God's plan.
Being happy with ourselves and with our mission in life should be accompanied by pity. What is piety? To become like Christ by giving to E1. If the Savior in our hearts, there will be more consumed by the desire to have the authority, individuality or wealth of others.
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