One day some kids walked through the woods when they discovered an abandoned railway line. One of the boys jumped into one of the tracks and tried to walk it. After a few steps, lost his balance. Another tried to do the same, and also fell. The others laughed.
"I bet you can not," he told other one who had made the attempt. One by one the other children tried but all failed. Even the best athlete of the group could not give more than a dozen steps before falling off the rail.
Then two children began to speak to one ear and released the next challenge: "I can walk all you want on the rail, and he, too," he said, pointing to his buddy. "No, you do not you, "he told the others.
"I bet a sweet to everyone that I can!" He replied. The others agreed.
Then the children went each to a rail extended an arm, took hands tightly and began to walk the entire route.
As individuals they could not do it, but working together was not difficult to achieve victory.
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