They prevent journalists from filming protests in China
Writer: @ cdperiodismo February 27, 2011 not allowed to enter the Wangfujing shopping street, when there was an outcry for "Jasmine Revolution".
According to EFE, the members d the BBC channels, ARD and ZDF (Germany) and APTV (USA) were questioned and even a journalist from the agency DPA was intervened and released after several minutes uncomfortable.
EFE editor could enter. However, his companions could not take pictures or interview some of the protesters.
The paradox is that police officers had used cameras to record the protesters. They also poured water on the "walkers" to disperse them.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Should I Buy A Horse With Melanomas
International Health Workers Union Communist (MLM) from Colombia to Ariel Colmenares
Ariel Colmenares Companion:
Receive a red and internationalist greetings.
self received your message and we sincerely glad to rediscover a sound basis for continued unity in the struggle for the construction of the Communist International of New Type in fight against opportunism.
Of course we will publish your message, as befits the proletarian loyalty.
Subsequently, we will write longer. For now we send the last number 308 of workers revolution.
Information Office Workers Newspaper Revolution
Ariel Colmenares Companion:
Receive a red and internationalist greetings.
self received your message and we sincerely glad to rediscover a sound basis for continued unity in the struggle for the construction of the Communist International of New Type in fight against opportunism.
Of course we will publish your message, as befits the proletarian loyalty.
Subsequently, we will write longer. For now we send the last number 308 of workers revolution.
Information Office Workers Newspaper Revolution
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's fall from grace in Gaddafi Facebook
Glen Ford Black Agenda Report
Translated to rebellion by Mariola and Jesús María García Pedrajas
blog extracted from class hatred
Muammar Gaddafi
was once the bane of the West, but in the last decade had sought a "workaround" with imperialism. Since 11 September, "Gadhafi has seemed more concerned about Islamic fundamentalism ... that by European and U.S. machinations. "The U.S. intelligence may have acted or not against Gaddafi, but surely take advantage of any opportunity.
"Gaddafi had clearly reached an agreement with the U.S. and the rich men of Europe." Muammar Gaddafi
jumped onto the world stage when he and other young officers kicked out a king called Idris, who had charged to corporations lower foreign prices worldwide by sucking the country's oil wealth. That was in 1969. When I had my meeting with Gaddafi, 40 years later, in late October 2009, still called himself a socialist and sworn enemy of capitalism, and drove his Green Book as a guide to universal social justice. But Qadhafi clearly had reached an agreement with the U.S. and the rich men of Europe. Types of corporations, whites and Asians, were everywhere in Tripoli, the capital, which was brimming to capacity building projects carried out by foreigners for foreign corporations. Libya and its six million inhabitants had become a "destination" of corporations with all of the law, and Qaddafi's armed forces were in constant collaboration with the shock troops of the imperialist war machine in the U.S.. Qaddafi could tell your visitors on his enormous personal tent at the military camp in the city that was dedicated to the destruction of "capitalism," but Washington, London and Paris did not seem very concerned.
Since September 11, Gaddafi has seemed more concerned with Islamic fundamentalists such as neighboring Algeria which took 200,000 lives suppression with U.S. and European machinations. Has coordinated with the U.S. military maneuvers in the Sahel region of North Africa, and worked closely with the CIA to discover elements of the Al Qaeda. In 2008, Condoleezza Rice was in Tripoli. "I'm looking forward to hearing the world view the leader, "he said. Gaddafi had already declared his love for the woman he called "Leeza," his "beloved African-American" who, he said, "rests and gives orders to the Arab leaders."
"The worst possible consequence of the Libyan crisis that the U.S. would find a way to intervene. "
In 2009, the year I visited Libya with a delegation headed by the former congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, Gadhafi had just signed a historic agreement on military cooperation diplomatic. The U.S. Africa Command, AFRICOM, and Libya pledged to work together on issues of peacekeeping, maritime security, counterterrorism and security and stability in Africa.
However, there was Gaddafi on television on Tuesday, without seeming at all to the rather serene old man who had found me in the big tent for 16 months, bellowing that he was being assaulted by a combination of U.S. and Islamic militants . In that sense his words sounded very much like the recent public statements of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak before was pushed out of the picture. Gaddafi belittled his opponents labeling them ignorant ingrates who knew nothing of the glories of the country, or was people who were simply under the influence of hallucinogens. His son, Seif el Islam Gaddafi, had previously threatened the Libyans with the civil war. Both father and son seemed out of touch, out of control and obsolete. This means that the Libyan people is in danger.
But there is no greater threat to the independence and sovereignty of the people that the U.S. imperialism, which has no respect for anyone's rights. The worst possible consequence of the Libyan crisis that the U.S. would find a way to intervene. Washington can do nothing to benefit in any way to the Libyan people, who must solve its own problems.
Original article:
Friday February 25, 2011
Glen Ford Black Agenda Report
Translated to rebellion by Mariola and Jesús María García Pedrajas
blog extracted from class hatred
Muammar Gaddafi
was once the bane of the West, but in the last decade had sought a "workaround" with imperialism. Since 11 September, "Gadhafi has seemed more concerned about Islamic fundamentalism ... that by European and U.S. machinations. "The U.S. intelligence may have acted or not against Gaddafi, but surely take advantage of any opportunity.
"Gaddafi had clearly reached an agreement with the U.S. and the rich men of Europe." Muammar Gaddafi
jumped onto the world stage when he and other young officers kicked out a king called Idris, who had charged to corporations lower foreign prices worldwide by sucking the country's oil wealth. That was in 1969. When I had my meeting with Gaddafi, 40 years later, in late October 2009, still called himself a socialist and sworn enemy of capitalism, and drove his Green Book as a guide to universal social justice. But Qadhafi clearly had reached an agreement with the U.S. and the rich men of Europe. Types of corporations, whites and Asians, were everywhere in Tripoli, the capital, which was brimming to capacity building projects carried out by foreigners for foreign corporations. Libya and its six million inhabitants had become a "destination" of corporations with all of the law, and Qaddafi's armed forces were in constant collaboration with the shock troops of the imperialist war machine in the U.S.. Qaddafi could tell your visitors on his enormous personal tent at the military camp in the city that was dedicated to the destruction of "capitalism," but Washington, London and Paris did not seem very concerned.
Since September 11, Gaddafi has seemed more concerned with Islamic fundamentalists such as neighboring Algeria which took 200,000 lives suppression with U.S. and European machinations. Has coordinated with the U.S. military maneuvers in the Sahel region of North Africa, and worked closely with the CIA to discover elements of the Al Qaeda. In 2008, Condoleezza Rice was in Tripoli. "I'm looking forward to hearing the world view the leader, "he said. Gaddafi had already declared his love for the woman he called "Leeza," his "beloved African-American" who, he said, "rests and gives orders to the Arab leaders."
"The worst possible consequence of the Libyan crisis that the U.S. would find a way to intervene. "
In 2009, the year I visited Libya with a delegation headed by the former congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, Gadhafi had just signed a historic agreement on military cooperation diplomatic. The U.S. Africa Command, AFRICOM, and Libya pledged to work together on issues of peacekeeping, maritime security, counterterrorism and security and stability in Africa.
However, there was Gaddafi on television on Tuesday, without seeming at all to the rather serene old man who had found me in the big tent for 16 months, bellowing that he was being assaulted by a combination of U.S. and Islamic militants . In that sense his words sounded very much like the recent public statements of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak before was pushed out of the picture. Gaddafi belittled his opponents labeling them ignorant ingrates who knew nothing of the glories of the country, or was people who were simply under the influence of hallucinogens. His son, Seif el Islam Gaddafi, had previously threatened the Libyans with the civil war. Both father and son seemed out of touch, out of control and obsolete. This means that the Libyan people is in danger.
But there is no greater threat to the independence and sovereignty of the people that the U.S. imperialism, which has no respect for anyone's rights. The worst possible consequence of the Libyan crisis that the U.S. would find a way to intervene. Washington can do nothing to benefit in any way to the Libyan people, who must solve its own problems.
Original article:
What Colour Tie To Go With A Grey Shirt
Internautas a protest called by Saudi Arabia in support for Facebook
COMMUNICABLE REVUELTAS to request an elected leader in the polls, more freedom for women and the release of political prisoners.
Page calls a "revolution of longing" for March 11 in the Wahhabi kingdom, the largest oil exporter in the world that is ruled by an absolute monarchy, Reuters reported.
On Wednesday morning, more than 460 people had shown their support to the call, but it was impossible to verify how many were in Saudi Arabia will materialize or if any protests.
Surveys in Arab countries, which have ousted presidents of Tunisia and Egypt, have been unleashed by young people who have used social networks, but some activists in Saudi Arabia told that a recent call from the Internet to hold a demonstration in Riyadh did not get anyone to take the streets.
Last month, a protest in Jeddah after floods in the second largest city was quickly dissolved.
Among the requests are "the leader and members of the Council (Advisory) of the Shura Council are elected by the people" and an independent judiciary, the release of political prisoners and the right of expression and meeting.
also ask a minimum salary of SAR 10,000 (2,700 dollars), greater job opportunities, the establishment of a body to eliminate corruption and the cancellation of "taxes and unreasonable rates."
Other demands are to reform the armed forces and the powerful and conservative Sunni clerics and the "abolition of all illegal restrictions on women."
Despite its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia has an unemployment rate that reached 10.5% in 2009. The authorities provide the 18 million Saudis social benefits, but are considered much less generous than those given other oil-producing Persian Gulf.
King Abdullah, on his return an absence of several months to receive medical treatment on Wednesday granted new benefits for its citizens worth billions of riyals. Measures
no political reforms to the absolute monarchy, and new elections demanded by liberal or opposition groups. Saudi Arabia does not have an elected parliament and does not tolerate public dissent.
Page calls a "revolution of longing" for March 11 in the Wahhabi kingdom, the largest oil exporter in the world that is ruled by an absolute monarchy, Reuters reported.
On Wednesday morning, more than 460 people had shown their support to the call, but it was impossible to verify how many were in Saudi Arabia will materialize or if any protests.
Surveys in Arab countries, which have ousted presidents of Tunisia and Egypt, have been unleashed by young people who have used social networks, but some activists in Saudi Arabia told that a recent call from the Internet to hold a demonstration in Riyadh did not get anyone to take the streets.
Last month, a protest in Jeddah after floods in the second largest city was quickly dissolved.
Among the requests are "the leader and members of the Council (Advisory) of the Shura Council are elected by the people" and an independent judiciary, the release of political prisoners and the right of expression and meeting.
also ask a minimum salary of SAR 10,000 (2,700 dollars), greater job opportunities, the establishment of a body to eliminate corruption and the cancellation of "taxes and unreasonable rates."
Other demands are to reform the armed forces and the powerful and conservative Sunni clerics and the "abolition of all illegal restrictions on women."
Despite its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia has an unemployment rate that reached 10.5% in 2009. The authorities provide the 18 million Saudis social benefits, but are considered much less generous than those given other oil-producing Persian Gulf.
King Abdullah, on his return an absence of several months to receive medical treatment on Wednesday granted new benefits for its citizens worth billions of riyals. Measures
no political reforms to the absolute monarchy, and new elections demanded by liberal or opposition groups. Saudi Arabia does not have an elected parliament and does not tolerate public dissent.
The Hypnotized Watch Online
Hundreds protest in Saudi Arabia via Facebook to knock
February 23, 2011 - 18:41
Dubai. Hundreds of people supported a campaign on Facebook that calls for a "day of rage" in Saudi Arabia next month to seek a governor elected in the polls, more freedom for women and the release of political prisoners.
Surveys in Arab countries, which have already toppled the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt have been sparked by young people who have used social networks, but some activists in Saudi Arabia told that a recent call from the Internet to hold a demonstration in Riyadh did not get anyone to take the streets.
Last month, a protest in Jeddah after floods in the second largest city was quickly dissolved.
Among the requests are "the leader and members of the Council (Advisory) of the Shura Council are elected by the people" and an independent judiciary, the release of political prisoners and the right of expression and meeting.
also ask a minimum salary of $ 2.700, greater job opportunities, the establishment of a body to eliminate corruption and the cancellation of "taxes and unreasonable rates."
Other demands are to reform the armed forces and the powerful and conservative Sunni clerics and the "abolition of all illegal restrictions on women."
Despite its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia has an unemployment rate that reached 10.5% in 2009. The authorities provide the 18 million Saudis social benefits, but are considered much less generous than those given other oil-producing Persian Gulf. EISS
February 23, 2011 - 18:41
Photo: Reuters
source: -protest-arabia-Saudi Dubai. Hundreds of people supported a campaign on Facebook that calls for a "day of rage" in Saudi Arabia next month to seek a governor elected in the polls, more freedom for women and the release of political prisoners.
Page calls a "revolution of longing" for March 11 in the Wahhabi kingdom, the largest oil exporter in the world that is ruled by an absolute monarchy.
More than 460 people had shown their support to the call, but it was impossible to verify how many were in Saudi Arabia will materialize or if any protests.

Surveys in Arab countries, which have already toppled the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt have been sparked by young people who have used social networks, but some activists in Saudi Arabia told that a recent call from the Internet to hold a demonstration in Riyadh did not get anyone to take the streets.
Last month, a protest in Jeddah after floods in the second largest city was quickly dissolved.
Among the requests are "the leader and members of the Council (Advisory) of the Shura Council are elected by the people" and an independent judiciary, the release of political prisoners and the right of expression and meeting.
also ask a minimum salary of $ 2.700, greater job opportunities, the establishment of a body to eliminate corruption and the cancellation of "taxes and unreasonable rates."
Other demands are to reform the armed forces and the powerful and conservative Sunni clerics and the "abolition of all illegal restrictions on women."
Despite its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia has an unemployment rate that reached 10.5% in 2009. The authorities provide the 18 million Saudis social benefits, but are considered much less generous than those given other oil-producing Persian Gulf. EISS
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protests in Saudi Arabia
The wave of protests against the governments of countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Jordan and Yemen, are about to come to Saudi Arabia
More than 460 people had endorsed the page until this morning, but it is impossible to verify how many of them were from Saudi Arabia or any protest could materialize.
Surveys Arab leaders ousted in Tunisia and Egypt were initiated by young people using social media, but activists say that in Saudi Arabia a recent call online for a demonstration in Riyadh failed to bring someone into the streets.
A protest last month in Jeddah after floods swept the second largest city in Saudi Arabia, was quickly broken.
The demands include "the government and members of the Shura (consultative) Council are elected by the people" and called for an independent judiciary, the release of political prisoners and the right to freedom of expression and assembly. "
also called for a minimum wage of 10,000 rials ($ 2.700), greater employment opportunities, the establishment of an inspection body to eliminate corruption and the cancellation of "unwarranted taxes and fees.
Other requests include the reconstruction of armed forces and the abolition of all illegal restrictions on women in the kingdom, among others.
Despite its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia is dealing with unemployment hit 10.5% in 2009. It offers benefits to 18 million citizens, but they are considered less generous than those provided by other oil producers del mundo árabe.
The wave of protests against the governments of countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Jordan and Yemen, are about to come to Saudi Arabia
By: Arturo Barcenas
source :
Although the King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, launched an economic program of 36.000 million dollars to "avoid" protests such as those are experiencing other Middle Eastern countries, hundreds of Saudis are calling, via Facebook, a protest for next month, published Yahoo News.
Hundreds of people have supported a campaign on Facebook calling for a "day of anger" in Saudi Arabia next month to demand an elected government, greater freedom for women and the release of political prisoners.
The suggestion is made on a page called a "revolution of desire" and is scheduled for 11 March in the kingdom, the world's largest exporter of oil, which is ruled by an absolute monarchy. 
More than 460 people had endorsed the page until this morning, but it is impossible to verify how many of them were from Saudi Arabia or any protest could materialize.
Surveys Arab leaders ousted in Tunisia and Egypt were initiated by young people using social media, but activists say that in Saudi Arabia a recent call online for a demonstration in Riyadh failed to bring someone into the streets.
A protest last month in Jeddah after floods swept the second largest city in Saudi Arabia, was quickly broken.
The demands include "the government and members of the Shura (consultative) Council are elected by the people" and called for an independent judiciary, the release of political prisoners and the right to freedom of expression and assembly. "
also called for a minimum wage of 10,000 rials ($ 2.700), greater employment opportunities, the establishment of an inspection body to eliminate corruption and the cancellation of "unwarranted taxes and fees.
Other requests include the reconstruction of armed forces and the abolition of all illegal restrictions on women in the kingdom, among others.
Despite its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia is dealing with unemployment hit 10.5% in 2009. It offers benefits to 18 million citizens, but they are considered less generous than those provided by other oil producers del mundo árabe.
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Note: Ariel Colmenares
Miserable dirty paper Prachanda to pervert the international communist movement has no limits. Let the reader judge which side is the clique that runs in Bhutan a series of armed "Maoists" who have declared war contrary to popular in India and instead backed the anti-dog revisionist betrayal, lamemiembro Hu Jintao, Prachanda. The article is at this link :
Note: Ariel Colmenares
Miserable dirty paper Prachanda to pervert the international communist movement has no limits. Let the reader judge which side is the clique that runs in Bhutan a series of armed "Maoists" who have declared war contrary to popular in India and instead backed the anti-dog revisionist betrayal, lamemiembro Hu Jintao, Prachanda. The article is at this link :
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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cancel permits for health or birthday
Con la Ley 29062, Ley de la Carrera Pública Magisterial, officially starting this year that are within the law and can not be missed by his birthday (if it falls on a working day), nor may request permission to account for the three days a year, which itself will be valid for those who still are with the Faculty of Law 24029. Up health and no permissions.
Look no more gullible many teachers are joining the brutal law of Public Educator was created not to improve the quality of education, but to discredit and eliminate MAESTRO and historical opposition to the iron (SUTEP) of rulers who sell and deal in educating the people and go against national interests, in other words that are only concerned with stealing and stealing and then throughout the country to seek refuge abroad saying they are a victim of political persecution. Act created only for political purposes and away from a true quality education reform and free and universal scope for Peruvians without discrimanación.
comment. The day that teachers have passed the LCPM, in a number of 100 000, that day will pay cuts and will be the same status of teachers in the 24029 and 25212 (Law Professors ... heroic and historical conquest of teachers through SUTEP) on assets, with the difference that those of LCPM (29062 Law Enforcement of this government ... continuation of neoliberalism) have already lost their job security and many more rights as mentioned above before and, will have to undergo evaluation tricky and dark, except to continue buying the tests or to follow in exchange for being someone close to the government policy shift.
Deputy archive of the masters of LCPM (Law 29,062), can take a look and so we can see that many teachers are quietly joining the law. Many of them have purchased or simply TESTS have shown the ruling party card ... Alli consciousness of each, if you really have a conscience ... say the same productivity in the practice of teaching but with decency and responsibility to students, parents and the community .... "THE TEACHER TO TEACH BY EXAMPLE.
difundanlo Greetings to all and ...
You can modify the guidelines and procedures for appointment of teachers in Peru for the year 20011 by RM No. 026-2011-ED • Amends articles 37 º, 41 º and 51 º of the RM No. 295-2009-ED, replaced by RM N º 248-2010-ED.
• The greatest novelty is the introduction and support of a monograph to assess the knowledge of local and regional reality.

Look no more gullible many teachers are joining the brutal law of Public Educator was created not to improve the quality of education, but to discredit and eliminate MAESTRO and historical opposition to the iron (SUTEP) of rulers who sell and deal in educating the people and go against national interests, in other words that are only concerned with stealing and stealing and then throughout the country to seek refuge abroad saying they are a victim of political persecution. Act created only for political purposes and away from a true quality education reform and free and universal scope for Peruvians without discrimanación.
comment. The day that teachers have passed the LCPM, in a number of 100 000, that day will pay cuts and will be the same status of teachers in the 24029 and 25212 (Law Professors ... heroic and historical conquest of teachers through SUTEP) on assets, with the difference that those of LCPM (29062 Law Enforcement of this government ... continuation of neoliberalism) have already lost their job security and many more rights as mentioned above before and, will have to undergo evaluation tricky and dark, except to continue buying the tests or to follow in exchange for being someone close to the government policy shift.
Deputy archive of the masters of LCPM (Law 29,062), can take a look and so we can see that many teachers are quietly joining the law. Many of them have purchased or simply TESTS have shown the ruling party card ... Alli consciousness of each, if you really have a conscience ... say the same productivity in the practice of teaching but with decency and responsibility to students, parents and the community .... "THE TEACHER TO TEACH BY EXAMPLE.
difundanlo Greetings to all and ...
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China wants to prevent the spread of the uprising in the Middle East and Africa
The historic popular revolt in North Africa and Middle East are getting nervous revisionist regime in China, where there is plenty of inequality, social unrest, corruption and high food prices .
police deployment on Sunday after internet appeal launched to demonstrate in 13 cities in China showed it clearly: the government will prevent any rebellion.
"Liu Shao Chi I and we are true monarchists. The essence of my mistakes is that I do not trust the masses, not support for the revolutionary masses, but I am against them, I followed a reactionary to crush the revolution, class struggle have not stood at the side of proletariat but of the bourgeoisie. All this shows that I am not fit to occupy positions of responsibility. "
'S BLOG: class hatred
The historic popular revolt in North Africa and Middle East are getting nervous revisionist regime in China, where there is plenty of inequality, social unrest, corruption and high food prices .
germs revolt that erupted in the Arab countries are present in China: a regime that crushes dissent, corruption, nepotism, a growing gap between rich and poor and rising food prices. Moreover, more than 500,000 Chinese are connected to the Internet.
The restoration of capitalism in China
With the recognition of the right to private property by the National People's Congress of China, a prolonged process, restoration of capitalism in China, launched after the death of comrade Mao Tse-tung and based on a counter-coup by Deng Xiaoping, rightly called the Chinese Khrushchev. It is recalled that during the turbulent years of the "Cultural Revolution", Deng opposed the CPC's general line and its self-criticism October 23 de1966 said quote: 
"Liu Shao Chi I and we are true monarchists. The essence of my mistakes is that I do not trust the masses, not support for the revolutionary masses, but I am against them, I followed a reactionary to crush the revolution, class struggle have not stood at the side of proletariat but of the bourgeoisie. All this shows that I am not fit to occupy positions of responsibility. "
'S BLOG: class hatred
Are Asteroid Hot Cheetos Gone 2010
India: the reactionary press has echo echo Campaign in Support of the People's War in India to be set up April
According to the newspaper Times of India Hindu reactionary support for the Maoists globalization, echoing the International Campaign Support the People's War in India to be set up in April.
More information about this campaign at this link:
According to a report by the reactionary Times of India, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) it seems that is getting international support, thanks to a charitable initiative launched by the Maoist parties and groups around the world.
complete information is news on this link: # 13
[From the Collective Hate Class we call upon all communists and revolutionaries of the English state, without exception, for you to support and will join me in the Week of Solidarity and Support for People's War in India to be made between 2 and 9 April. I ask that you give to know and defendáis the Indian revolutionary process led by the fraternal Communist Party of India (Maoist). Our modest contribution to proletarian internationalism happens at this time, by making available to English-language readers as the future-with their twists and turns "of the revolutionary process in India as the theoretical contributions and situation analysis of the CPI (Maoist .) In this effort to disseminate india Revolution, from the Collective class hatred we are at your disposal, convinced that today support the CPI (Maoist) will open the gates tomorrow socialism and world revolution.]
According to the newspaper Times of India Hindu reactionary support for the Maoists globalization, echoing the International Campaign Support the People's War in India to be set up in April.
More information about this campaign at this link:
According to a report by the reactionary Times of India, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) it seems that is getting international support, thanks to a charitable initiative launched by the Maoist parties and groups around the world.
[From the Collective Hate Class we call upon all communists and revolutionaries of the English state, without exception, for you to support and will join me in the Week of Solidarity and Support for People's War in India to be made between 2 and 9 April. I ask that you give to know and defendáis the Indian revolutionary process led by the fraternal Communist Party of India (Maoist). Our modest contribution to proletarian internationalism happens at this time, by making available to English-language readers as the future-with their twists and turns "of the revolutionary process in India as the theoretical contributions and situation analysis of the CPI (Maoist .) In this effort to disseminate india Revolution, from the Collective class hatred we are at your disposal, convinced that today support the CPI (Maoist) will open the gates tomorrow socialism and world revolution.]
Pain Below Bellybutton After Csection
Note: Ariel Colmenares miserable dirty paper Prachanda to pervert the international communist movement has no limits. Let the reader judge which side is the clique that runs in Bhutan a series of armed "Maoists" who have declared war contrary to popular in India and instead backed the anti-dog revisionist betrayal, lamemiembro Hu Jintao, Prachanda. The article is at this link and can translate it with google:
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Rigging A 420 Sailing Boat
Willing to not sleeping? Willing to mourn? ... Willing to smile??
is still our first experience in foster care ... and many of us have said "Oops! I could not!". Galgui
Our host arrived December 31 and committed internally to literally give a new life. Gauge is a gorgeous, although many only see this ... She is so much more!.
shelter is sacrificed, it is true. The first ten days we could not sleep all night because she wanted to go to bed and did not understand the "no" every night, every two minutes, constant attempts .... all night and every night. Despair. Maintain firm energy and quiet ... Also, put away our food intended for the table ... and no case of "no" could not eat. She had lived in a warehouse ... and what are fever and how disgusting the Pipis and poops in a flat ... It took several days to realize that the toilet was the street ... plague much ....
seemed spoke different languages \u200b\u200band that we understood each other and at some point seriously feared that not learn ... but we were committed to it. Not going to leave.
And as we agotábamos about not sleeping ... it was discovered our love ... began to look ... to become a great mimosona .... and little by little, with patience and perseverance, began to "understand" ... and began to obey. We have witnessed his passing, his healing, the change of their apathy on this so much fun that expresses joy .... We have received your eyes of tenderness, love all, about the devotion that we have warmed in the depths of the heart ...
Now slept the night through, and she sleeps on the floor, in bed and us, with the rest of the herd, and we look relaxed on the couch while finally eat quietly. It is becoming a great dog, happy, playful and jueguetona easy to have ... play with the pack and play with us and is super friendly and sociable with everyone .... and now you're sleeping, soon we will mourn: It has become a gauge adoptable and his family will soon be final. This gauge has been going to get "a shot in the head and the river" to make the love, rules, constraints ... and have a home and pack.
were willing to not sleep.
And we are willing to mourn like children when they leave home ...
And if we are willing, it is because there are many others waiting for a foster home ... There are so many who need us !!!!.
Someone has to be prepared not to sleep, to collect all the woes and yes, to mourn. Y those of us who dare someone and commit ourselves, in the end, will smile to see them happy.
And of course, be ready to smile !!!!.
Are you ready?
TramuntanaDogs Adopcions
is still our first experience in foster care ... and many of us have said "Oops! I could not!". Galgui
Our host arrived December 31 and committed internally to literally give a new life. Gauge is a gorgeous, although many only see this ... She is so much more!.
seemed spoke different languages \u200b\u200band that we understood each other and at some point seriously feared that not learn ... but we were committed to it. Not going to leave.
And as we agotábamos about not sleeping ... it was discovered our love ... began to look ... to become a great mimosona .... and little by little, with patience and perseverance, began to "understand" ... and began to obey. We have witnessed his passing, his healing, the change of their apathy on this so much fun that expresses joy .... We have received your eyes of tenderness, love all, about the devotion that we have warmed in the depths of the heart ...
Now slept the night through, and she sleeps on the floor, in bed and us, with the rest of the herd, and we look relaxed on the couch while finally eat quietly. It is becoming a great dog, happy, playful and jueguetona easy to have ... play with the pack and play with us and is super friendly and sociable with everyone .... and now you're sleeping, soon we will mourn: It has become a gauge adoptable and his family will soon be final. This gauge has been going to get "a shot in the head and the river" to make the love, rules, constraints ... and have a home and pack.
were willing to not sleep.
And we are willing to mourn like children when they leave home ...
And if we are willing, it is because there are many others waiting for a foster home ... There are so many who need us !!!!.
Someone has to be prepared not to sleep, to collect all the woes and yes, to mourn. Y those of us who dare someone and commit ourselves, in the end, will smile to see them happy.
And of course, be ready to smile !!!!.
Are you ready?
TramuntanaDogs Adopcions
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Conference: Maoism and the State of the Indian Left
onehundredflowers on February 13, 2011

This is a map of the "Red Corridor" where the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-M) has predominant Influence Being This conference is hosted by the South Asia Center at the University of Pennsylvania. The text below eat from Their Facebook page. The event listing Can Be found here.
Maoism and the State of the Indian Left Issues surrounding the CPI (Maoist) have acquired an important place in the political debates on contemporary India. By estimates of the Government of India, the Maoists have their presence in about 220 of 626 districts of the country. While the ruling dispensation, including most mainstream political parties, paint the Maoists, to use the famous expression of the current Prime Minister, as “the gravest threat to internal security”, the Maoists claim that they are fighting for the marginalized, poor and tribal populations.
How do we understand these debates between the parliamentary Left and the Maoists in contemporary India? How are these debates related to the changing political economy of contemporary India? What do they reveal about the state of the Left in India today, as a whole? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in the course of this colloquium.
Sumanta Bannerjee
Independent Scholar and the author of In the Wake of Naxalbari: A History of Naxalite Movement in India
Gautam Navlakha
Leading Human Rights Activist, India
Prasenjit Bose
Research Unit Convener of Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Smita Gupta
Senior Fellow, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi India
Alpa Shah
Faculty, Goldsmith College, University of London
Vijay Prasad
Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
Deepankar Basu
University of Massachusetts at Amhurst
Auritro Majumder
Doctoral Student
Syracuse University
Remala Sen
Doctoral Student
Cornell University
Emmanuel Teitelbaum
Faculty, George Washington University
Dhruv Jain
Doctoral Student
York University
Shivaji Mukherjee Doctoral Student
Yale University doctoral student
Sergio Mukherjee University of Pennsylvania
------------------ Thursday, March 17 · 10:00 am - 6: 00pm
McNeil Center for Early American Studies (University of Pennsylvania)
3355 Woodland Walk Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Wiltshire Staysharp Knife Block Set
Calle 13 - Vamo 'to misbehave
CHEK THIS VIDEO STREET 13. THE POINT OF BOURGEOIS ACTUALLY HAVE NOTHING. AND YOU TO REMEMBER THAT STREET AND HAS WON 13 The sympathy of the progressive elements. Its lyrics cause discomfort to the more conservative and apolitical of the petty bourgeoisie. DESCRIPTION THIS IS JUST AN OUTLINE MODESTO.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Create A Tech Deck Game
Jowell & Randy willing to fight gender violence
Rita Portela Lopez, El Vocero (February 2nd, 2011) source:
macho Rita Portela Lopez, El Vocero (February 2nd, 2011) source:
And boy is that Randy personally suffered as his mother had to flee again and again from an abusive stepfather.
"That's not something I keep saying out there, but that makes me think about it. My mother was a victim and as a kid I remember we had to go live in the Home Julia de Burgos and I changed schools many times. My stepfather was crazy and threatened to kill her. I saw other mothers in the same and shared with other children and that is terrible. I feel that it was time to do something because sometimes my mom did not dare to call or leave the house even when she had time to do it while the guy was working, "he confessed.

In this way, the artists chosen to allocate the single "Good Bye" to the cause and even filmed a video in Miami, under the direction of Marlon Peña, which depict scenes of violence and encourage girls to " leave it "and move on. "Those who talk about a topic as important not mean we have to make us sad. We are focused on bringing joy, because our business is entertaining so the issue is to remove such person and go to enjoy, "said Jowell.
"We know that many batterers our fans and we want you to know that this is not done. Before giving a fist to a best woman go, "he said.
The rapper went on to be available to the Government to star in campaigns against gender violence. "We will start with 'Say Good Bye" soon because we care about, the figures are incredible and this can not continue like this. "
He said his followers receive messages from people with whom they identify. All this in relation to figures such as Olga Tanon has been involved in similar campaigns. "I do not listen to Olga Tanon. I know it's one of the most important artists of Puerto Rico, but we pay attention something like this if it comes from Daddy Yankee or Wisin & Yandel. I am very real, and may say that I am a Kafir or a charlatan, but the issue here is not to abuse women. Who will listen what he did Olga perfect, but I think talking to the village and the neighborhood where they really are killing. I go to if I have to point and without bodyguards, "he said Jowell.
The performers of "Mother in Law" and "Loco" emphasized the idea of \u200b\u200basserting his voice so it does not stop until "we make a difference." "We do not support the man who beats women and we want people to understand that we urge everyone to join 'Say Good Bye "because this is something that concerns us very much or like crime," he said.
rap duo, known as the "looser" became spokesmen yesterday A Blast energy drink claiming that "it's like a little juices" unlike some other products. "We joined this company because we liked the drink. If Randy does not give me the nod we do because he does not like these things, but when he tasted it liked it. I said it looked a little juices, "said Jowell to note that it is aware that there is lobbying in the legislature of the country by raising the age those who eat this type of drink. In other words only are the elderly who can acquire it. "That has not been approved and could fall down bugs (problems) with our fans because our audience is quite varied ranging from 12 to 30 years. We are clear, because we are quite real, this is a drink that does not undermine health. We are ready for whatever comes, "he said.
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