The wave of protests against the governments of countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Jordan and Yemen, are about to come to Saudi Arabia
Although the King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, launched an economic program of 36.000 million dollars to "avoid" protests such as those are experiencing other Middle Eastern countries, hundreds of Saudis are calling, via Facebook, a protest for next month, published Yahoo News.
Hundreds of people have supported a campaign on Facebook calling for a "day of anger" in Saudi Arabia next month to demand an elected government, greater freedom for women and the release of political prisoners.
The suggestion is made on a page called a "revolution of desire" and is scheduled for 11 March in the kingdom, the world's largest exporter of oil, which is ruled by an absolute monarchy. 
More than 460 people had endorsed the page until this morning, but it is impossible to verify how many of them were from Saudi Arabia or any protest could materialize.
Surveys Arab leaders ousted in Tunisia and Egypt were initiated by young people using social media, but activists say that in Saudi Arabia a recent call online for a demonstration in Riyadh failed to bring someone into the streets.
A protest last month in Jeddah after floods swept the second largest city in Saudi Arabia, was quickly broken.
The demands include "the government and members of the Shura (consultative) Council are elected by the people" and called for an independent judiciary, the release of political prisoners and the right to freedom of expression and assembly. "
also called for a minimum wage of 10,000 rials ($ 2.700), greater employment opportunities, the establishment of an inspection body to eliminate corruption and the cancellation of "unwarranted taxes and fees.
Other requests include the reconstruction of armed forces and the abolition of all illegal restrictions on women in the kingdom, among others.
Despite its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia is dealing with unemployment hit 10.5% in 2009. It offers benefits to 18 million citizens, but they are considered less generous than those provided by other oil producers del mundo árabe.
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