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Conference: Maoism and the State of the Indian Left

onehundredflowers on February 13, 2011

This is a map of the "Red Corridor" where the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-M) has predominant Influence Being This conference is hosted by the South Asia Center at the University of Pennsylvania. The text below eat from Their Facebook page. The event listing Can Be found here.

Maoism and the State of the Indian Left
Issues surrounding the CPI (Maoist) have acquired an important place in the political debates on contemporary India. By estimates of the Government of India, the Maoists have their presence in about 220 of 626 districts of the country. While the ruling dispensation, including most mainstream political parties, paint the Maoists, to use the famous expression of the current Prime Minister, as “the gravest threat to internal security”, the Maoists claim that they are fighting for the marginalized, poor and tribal populations.
How do we understand these debates between the parliamentary Left and the Maoists in contemporary India? How are these debates related to the changing political economy of contemporary India? What do they reveal about the state of the Left in India today, as a whole? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in the course of this colloquium.


Sumanta Bannerjee
Independent Scholar and the author of In the Wake of Naxalbari: A History of Naxalite Movement in India

Gautam Navlakha
Leading Human Rights Activist, India

Prasenjit Bose
Research Unit Convener of Communist Party of India (Marxist)

Smita Gupta
Senior Fellow, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi India

Alpa Shah
Faculty, Goldsmith College, University of London

Vijay Prasad
Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut

Deepankar Basu
University of Massachusetts at Amhurst

Auritro Majumder
Doctoral Student
Syracuse University

Remala Sen
Doctoral Student
Cornell University

Emmanuel Teitelbaum
Faculty, George Washington University

Dhruv Jain
Doctoral Student
York University

Shivaji Mukherjee Doctoral Student

Yale University doctoral student
Sergio Mukherjee University of Pennsylvania

------------------ Thursday, March 17 · 10:00 am - 6: 00pm

McNeil Center for Early American Studies (University of Pennsylvania)

3355 Woodland Walk Philadelphia, PA


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