is still our first experience in foster care ... and many of us have said "Oops! I could not!". Galgui
Our host arrived December 31 and committed internally to literally give a new life. Gauge is a gorgeous, although many only see this ... She is so much more!.
seemed spoke different languages \u200b\u200band that we understood each other and at some point seriously feared that not learn ... but we were committed to it. Not going to leave.
And as we agotábamos about not sleeping ... it was discovered our love ... began to look ... to become a great mimosona .... and little by little, with patience and perseverance, began to "understand" ... and began to obey. We have witnessed his passing, his healing, the change of their apathy on this so much fun that expresses joy .... We have received your eyes of tenderness, love all, about the devotion that we have warmed in the depths of the heart ...
Now slept the night through, and she sleeps on the floor, in bed and us, with the rest of the herd, and we look relaxed on the couch while finally eat quietly. It is becoming a great dog, happy, playful and jueguetona easy to have ... play with the pack and play with us and is super friendly and sociable with everyone .... and now you're sleeping, soon we will mourn: It has become a gauge adoptable and his family will soon be final. This gauge has been going to get "a shot in the head and the river" to make the love, rules, constraints ... and have a home and pack.
were willing to not sleep.
And we are willing to mourn like children when they leave home ...
And if we are willing, it is because there are many others waiting for a foster home ... There are so many who need us !!!!.
Someone has to be prepared not to sleep, to collect all the woes and yes, to mourn. Y those of us who dare someone and commit ourselves, in the end, will smile to see them happy.
And of course, be ready to smile !!!!.
Are you ready?
TramuntanaDogs Adopcions
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