Friday, March 25, 2011

Astroflex Car Starters


El encierro del Pilón de Falces ha sido declarado Fiesta de Interés Turístico de Navarra por la consejería de Turismo Institution and the Prince of Viana. Fakes City Council was the one who proposed this distinction to the Directorate General of Tourism.

Pilon The closure dates from 1751, according to the oldest documents of the municipal archive of Fakes. As enshrined in the statutory order, "the act has a century-old tied to popular culture, and its spectacular has achieved significant recognition in its own right and great power of attraction, surpassing the reach only a holiday for cultural consideration."

This bullfights held for nine consecutive days, from the penultimate Sunday of August, coinciding with the festivities of Fakes. Today is celebrated with heifers, running down a narrow canyon with the mountain to the right and a small ravine to the left. The pipeline carries dangerous and striking, makes this unique enclosure.

local historian José María Sanz Suess has compiled the origins of this festival: "Since the town is sheltered by a cliff, driving cattle up the mountain was made to not cross the plain of the river." But the traditional route was one thing, and closure as now known, is another. "In practice was the same, but had no official classification of confinement, or was organized ", Sanz has Suess. Thus, spontaneity is one of the original features of this race." And that is known because there is no live amateur falcesino taurine or lack of other entertainment not up to wait for Elarre cows to the pen, and then download the cabrería " recalls the historian." The waiters, who had entertained the waiting with some sausage, bread and wine boot, ran down ahead of the pack " he adds.

was not until the late 60's when he started running of the bulls as we know it today. Then the falcesinos younger athletes started running in defiance heifers and their own costs.

News Journal


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