Monday, March 21, 2011

Sand Use Shuffleboard Table


By: Ariel Colmenares

AUGUST 2010 (N. R: This complaint against IE was broadcast forwarding messages in August 2010 and published on Saturday, September 4, 2010 in

A Student Integration fell as a bucket of cold water the article "Student Integration": THE BUREAUCRACY IN PROGRESS AND TWELVE YEARS. They did not expect such a response that exposed him as what they are. They thought they could keep throwing insults against Maoism and PCP, and boycotting and selling strikes with impunity class students and labor groups left most reactionary official. And just enough to read your documents and pay attention to the nonsense spoken in its anniversary meeting.

old saying goes that the fish dies by mouth, as this happens with IE's henchmen and his recent pronouncement that tries desperately to discredit my article, not showing with evidence that I have based on them is false, but in vain trying to impute an outrage, accusations which would be exposed to test more strongly the cowardice of their filthy authors and pave the way for ideological defeat.

cynically seek to rely on the plagiarism of the reactionary press my items, and their attacks do not dare to question my allegations documented because they know they are obvious. Do not be surprised if I found out that the new fujimontesinismo plagiarized my items to intentionally make IE repeat his calumnies against me.

not want to go into theoretical details proletarian ideology attributed to unclean opportunistic, but it appears that in the Peruvian left has already become a tradition to invent lies against the class that unmasked before the masses. Cowardice this time the mail came integracion.estudiantil @ on 7 August that spread to hundreds of emails a communiqué entitled "Response to" Maoist Rebel "and" THE REASON "Fujimori", which did not substantiate with any argument each of the data reported in my article were "absurd allegations", and their defense (or rather his slander) is "substantiated" in plagiarism did fujimontesinista La Razon newspaper on June 20 passed an excerpt from my Article (from a version published on 31 May under the title "Student Integration": TWELVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE reactionary and later removed to correct and is currently in cache). With this "argument" are intended to bond with the Fujimori and intelligence (no comment).

Thus it is found that some of his opponents wrote on Indymedia: "Well, knowing that his dirty tricks would be denounced by honest fellow, toads * (Student Integration) began to use and abuse of its usual tactics, like the dogs * (Patria Roja) slander and informers. If someone discovers or start joderlos they so low (always the most cowardly) begin to spread to the base: this is snitch, that is NO, this is the Path, that is people Burga, this is APRA. "(INTEGRATION AND informers. By: Death to the Old Left. Friday, September 23, 2005. At 3:54 PM)

But tried with little luck disqualify this article analyzes the entire ideological scaffolding and through the history of his sect . Insults and assumptions have been disproved, but no argument to deny the allegations substantiated. The alleged response, poor and without any basis to prove falsity in my accusations, has only served to confirm the mediocrity of this group and tricks to hide their black political purposes to support the reactionary state and the official left parties.

is true that the intelligence apparatus are seeking to crush the struggle of our oppressed class, but in no way can give credence to allegations of the backlash against politicians trafficking groups because these are their servile allies against the people's struggles : For example the left and their parties and groups are responsible for selling the boycott and strikes suffered thousands of workers and students are the ones who "dialogue" with governments in power and make blood pacts to keep them from touching their millionaire properties, For example, the Magisterial Pour (Red Fatherland property billionaire, a party allied with IE). So what is going to represent danger to the state this little group? Fictitious attacks of the bourgeois press to these groups, only serve as psychosocial and desperate as a mechanism to promote the candidacies of gangsters and criminals like Keiko.

have lost a good opportunity to show proof that my accusations against them are rigged. It is obvious that the attack had to flee and invent a slander issue, and would have to wait for the reaction to plagiarize my papers back to IE again vomit cowardly slander them, their own petty-bourgeois ideology.
deny each of the arguments mentioned in my article and losers. The oppressed masses will realize they represent their interests and those of the reaction. The masses do not give half a cent for this group; in the field and nobody knows its business activities is limited urban leaders who seek leadership of Fame hanging characters like Alberto Arana Pizango and the priest. More than a blog has published the article, including the International Journal has published a version with unnecessary parts removed and with a different title and more engaged. Gradually the student bodies will be leaving and will be dust as once did the Fund "fascist" reactionary anti-Maoist group ideologically defeated by the Fund "for the Shining Path of José Carlos Mariategui, during the 70s.


Let's go exposing the lies of IE: There are two versions of my article: the Maoist Rebel Blog: Student Integration ": THE BUREAUCRACY IN PROGRESS AND TWELVE YEARS ( August 3) and of The International Journal "Student Integration" NEST OF OPPORTUNISTIC AND DEALERS (August 4). If reason could plagiarize my article on 20 June was because more than before (31 May) uploaded it to my blog under the title "Integration STUDENT ": TWELVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE REACTIONARY, then I had to delete it to make some corrections. Fujimontesinista In that plagiarism (which attached to the end of this article), not only disregarded the real author's name, but said the folly of this fragment was part of a statement of Student Integration; is really absurd that IE awarded to a text that attacks themselves.

In the first post I made on May 31 article apparently went unnoticed because it had not yet Messages posted on the sites. Then, noticing some errors, in July eliminated without knowing that the June 20 The Reason and had plagiarized. The July 20 sent him to The International Journal asking me to publish it and they found a better title. The delay made me publish it again in my blog on Tuesday, August 3 with my own corrections and new title, as well as messages sent by reference, this time with the aforementioned title.


On Monday August 9th I checked my email and I got plenty of surprises:
The publication of The International Journal on 4 August, the publication of my version 8 August, and one day before (August 7) \u200b\u200bStudent Integration had sent me the statement RESPONSE TO "Maoist Rebel" AND "THE REASON" Fujimori, which attached a picture of the reason that shows that the newspaper had plagiarized part of my article on 20 June, which is the first version that I had deleted a month ago, the same day ( August 7) \u200b\u200ba mediocre pro-Ollanta blog ( was published by introducing exactly "From Wauqi, express our solidarity with organizations that are victims of white terrorism campaigns that engage the most reactionary of the Peruvian press" . Go solidarity among ruffians.


1) Integration could not argue anything to deny my charges. Have had to resort to slurs as smokescreens to escape the evidence presented. 2) Your own documents and speeches unmask anniversary as the revisionists and opportunists who traffic in Marxist discourse and throwing insults at the historical memory of PCP and the People's War. 3) that the group survives, not the support of the downtrodden masses, but by political compromise with the reactionary parties of the legal left ("we must unite with the parties." Speech by Rosa rods, general secretary of IE-30 April 2010. XII Anniversary of IE) and making use and abuse of libel and defamation honest fellow who discover and unmask. 4) On 20 June, The Reason plagiarized an article I had published much earlier (May 31) with a different title (search Google cached), and also the passage plagiarized it awarded to a statement from IE (see report of Reason below.)
is, the reaction is plagiarizing articles by Maoists to make them look like yours, and these dirty tricks will greatly serve as trafficking grupete Student Integration.

Finally, their slanders have proven to be a smokescreen to escape unmasking.

• Here's plagiarism Reason and the release of IE:

Terrorist Network Uncovered in public universities

percolating through student organizations
An intelligence report reveals the existence of a terrorist network in that state universities under the façade of student organizations, supporters and activists seeking to his advocacy of violence for what it calls the armed struggle and liberation of the main leaders whom they call "political prisoners"
For example, the organization Student Integration (EI), a group that is part of the Chavez Bolivarian Continental Coordinator ( CCB), indoctrinate students to marches and protests in defense of university fees, Castro considered and have a presence at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMS), Enrique Guzmán y Valle National University of La Cantuta and Engineering (UNI). Even
recently celebrated an anniversary, so much so that on 30 April at the Casona de San Marcos was held on the twelfth anniversary of pro-Castro group.
"Twelve years of trafficking and corporatize student protests, the so fascist as a group in their path and distort Marxism. The meeting was conducted by a panel composed of leaders of groups controlled bureaucratically by IE. Among the artists "popular" in July attended Humala and Takanamanta; vocalist latter (Willy Barreto), who proclaims himself a "Marxist", it was before the birthday of the reactionary foquista Polay Campos Moyobamba Club 2009 ", says one of his statements.
is also the Collective The Amautas. Student group composed of young Marxists and anarchists. Has no link with any national organization, although coordinates with IE.
"The Amautas" and another group called "The Sikuris" intensive political activity in seven faculties of La Cantuta, and promoted a large national student protest for the purpose of destabilization.
"The group 'Los Amautas', whose activists Jhon Ochoa Tinoco and Rocio Huaman Condori, the latter was promoting activities for Afadevig, association which brings together survivors and relatives of prisoners and dead terrorists. Another key character is Giovanna Pacheco, who, according to records Dincote, was imprisoned in the prison of Chorrillos.
The authorities also reported the recent development of walkers banners with slogans such as' Fight for general amnesty and released political prisoners. "
The report reveals that in the San Marcos pro walkers and Marxist groups, including "The Taliban" and "Movement Initiative Student ", which allegedly recruited at least 60 youth. The first organized marches and indoctrinate students cachimbos academies. In the second case highlights the psychology professor Lourdes Carpio Salas, also a former leader of the Association of Relatives of Political Prisoners (Afapredepp) present at the launch of "handwriting" of the terrorist leader Abimael Guzman.
also detected the existence of groups of procedural law studies at the Faculty of Law, San Marcos, where conversations are often the topic of trials or hiker dome, just this group was organized a march for freedom called Comrade Gonzalo.
The dean of America has formed the "Workshop on Social Science Research, a circle that raises a retrial of Abimael Guzman. According to the report
4 years ago in 2006 was detected terrorist activity in universities. At a meeting in the auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University San Marcos, an environment more like a classroom. The guest panel was Alfredo Crespo, a lawyer for Abimael Guzman, who explains to an audience of over one hundred students what they considered the real causes and consequences of internal war. "Dr. Guzman says that ours was not terrorism, guerrilla warfare (SIC), raise your voice to insist that prisoners are not terrorists but fighters of the People's War. "
Crespo told students, among whom are also residents of Huaycán and labor union members at the university, which the 80 were "rich in moments that were fought for the construction of a new Peru."

• Response to "Maoist Rebel" and "THE REASON" Fujimori.
In recent days, has circulated a pamphlet attacking again to our organization, Student Integration. Under the pseudonym "maiost rebel ", on 3 August the intelligence apparatus have been re-edited a provocative statement in an effort to sow confusion. The most interesting and revealing is that an extract of this new attack, which refers to our anniversary event held in April (more than three months!), Has been published verbatim by the Fujimori daily "La Razón" 20 Last June, as part of their media smear campaign to justify intervention to San Marcos.

undoubtedly the origin of this pamphlet below. As much as "Maoist rebel" or "Ariel Colmenares" pretend radicaloide vocabulary, evidence unmask his dark and reactionary origin. This is the lackluster response of the yellow press organizations that continue to speak their subservient role APRA neoliberal government. In attachment publish the "news" of the newspaper fujimontesinista "The Reason" in which readers can see that the "new" statement "Maoist rebel" and was published verbatim in advance by the journal (see first column, last paragraph) For these reasons

alerted organizations and colleagues who have received the email to avoid being surprised or intimidated. For our part we will not give more responsive and relevant to the absurd allegations that are hidden in anonymous and we will continue our action complaint against the tabloid press attacking and maligning people's struggles as they now are undertaking the people of the South in defense of Gas.
Sincerely, Student Integration

August, 2010.

(*) toads and dogs: Nicknames popular awarded to members of Student Integration and Patria Roja by his opponents within the popular movement. Clarification placed it in brackets next to those terms.


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