Friday, March 4, 2011

Microwave P90d23al-dj

Response Communist Workers' Union (MLM) from Colombia to the Companion Ariel Colmenares (I)

Colombia, March 4, 2011 Dear fellow Ariel

Colmenares: Go red

international health.

As promised in the note by the end of January, we begin an exchange of views with respect to your letter of criticism.

For now, we send a first delivery in the newspaper Workers Revolution No. 311 along with its self-criticism that we consider of great value. In the coming days we will send the second part.

again apologize for the delay.


Relations Office Workers Revolution

Journal PD: RO 311 attached Response Companion
Ariel Colmenares (I)
Colombia, March 1, 2011 Dear fellow


As we stayed in the message received, today we respond to your letter of January. Public communications revolution will Obrera No. 311.

To start, we apologize for the delay in responding to your self that we consider of great value Communists because he is accepting the mistakes and above all, to correct soon. We fully agree that the contradictions among the people and therefore within the Marxist Leninist Maoists should be treated with fraternity, through discussion argued that enable us to raise the level of unity and learn from each other.

And speaking of the method for resolving contradictions among us, as we believe that the attacks should be used only with enemies (treatment that we had to give because of his diatribe), we also consider false flattery or exaggeration; in that sense, we believe that as our divergence should be with respect to the terrorist attack on Caracol as a problem within the communists, they are not correct statements such as "comrades in Colombia are currently the most advanced in Latin America in contributions to Marxism and developments in perspective construction of a Communist Party. " Just what it is that the Communist Workers' Union (MLM) is a small and modest detachment communist struggle to contribute to the building of the Party of the Proletariat in Colombia and the Communist International of New Type.

Since you addressed several issues in his letter will try to answer them with the limitations of space that has a newspaper. They have to do with the problem of terrorism, the relationship with Luis Arce Borja and The International Journal, and the Revolution in Peru and the situation of the Communist Party of Peru.

On the Question of Terrorism: We fully and strongly support us in the words of our teacher Lenin and that you quote in your letter. That's our starting point. We will consider his criticism as a warning about using "attacks or exaggerated adjectives" which in our case, and worth the clarification has not been against all armed action, but against terrorist acts, particularly against acts such as Caracol attack in that case came from the mafia and the reaction.
About Luis Arce Borja
and The International Journal: While we respect their position is not shared, because this man is not serious. Since the 90's, in times of Contradiction Journal warned in the article "An unfortunate exaggeration" to the adulation of Comrade Gonzalo Arce Borja were, in the words of Stalin "intellectual tricks unhealthy", then we had to break all relationship with him for his attacks on the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement to the position adopted by the Committee as to the "letters of peace" proposals in Peru. At that time

Luis Arce Borja regarded as an ally the CIA and Fujimori to anyone who even admitted the possibility of Comrade Gonzalo had something to do with the "letters of peace" since he considered as the "fourth sword" after Marx, Lenin and Mao, " Marxist Leninist Maoist bigger "and many other flattering adjectives which then changed into hatred and poisonous attacks. In those years published in two volumes what he saw Bob the "powerful thought Gonzalo", which is then exchanged compliments in virulence and that surely are listed in the book that you consider "the greatest contribution to the understanding of the true current situation Communist Party of Peru " but surely contribute little to understanding the development of the revolution and the real situation of the struggle to rebuild the unit and the party in Peru, because Bob has not broken with the idealist (bourgeoisie) and this history it impossible to provide any serious contribution to the revolution.

As for his political action is not uncommon for both to be the "left" to the right without any self whatsoever, as evidenced by the conspiracy he did with revisionist parties as the Labour Party of Belgium to create another " revolutionary center "as opposed to MRI Committee when this was still playing the role embryonic center of the revolutionary proletariat. His own newspaper is a clear example of his eclecticism and lack of seriousness, where for example, published pronouncements of the Communist Workers' Union (MLM) and diatribes against it, as the article which you are now self-criticism. How serious can be attributed to someone like that? What type of Marxist Leninist Maoist could be someone like that?

Just to dispel any doubts that may relate to a sectarian attitude or something, we commented that here in Colombia, after the arrest of Comrade Gonzalo in 1992, the Communist Workers Group magazine with Contradictions (organizations that gave life to the Communist Workers' Union) reproduced and circulated several times The International Journal for considering contributing to the work of solidarity with the People's War in Peru, but to their virulent and unjustified insults and attacks on Marxist Leninist Maoists , as shown in all its articles at the time, broke all relationships and we consider outside the ranks of the Marxist Leninist Maoist (attached some files).

see, Mr. Arce Borja know for some time and in our opinion, has not been able to assume a position in any of the episodes of the struggle of our movement because its position, viewpoint and method are not those of Marxism and the proletarian revolutionary, but the petty-bourgeois revolutionary spirit, which only sees behind those who do not share their views, agents of the intelligence of the enemy.

Moreover, we consider it unnecessary to request as to "send a request to set the Journal to see the possibility to eliminate the terrible article," because at this point, the damage may have been done is done and Only self-critical enough to brave the line and performance of the Communist Workers' Union (MLM) are correct to undo the damage.


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