Monday, March 28, 2011

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The project required 977 million euros in aid of Frob, so it is actually spoken by the Bank of Spain, and has a requirement of additional capital of 847 million to reach 10% which demands. And on a possible IPO looms the shadow of the price they are willing to offer investors, who question the real value of the entity.

In parallel, this week is filled up the first step of integration into a bank of three cases of the Basque Autonomous Community: BBK (Vizcaya), Kutxa (Guipúzcoa) and Vital (Álava). The entity, which have yet to emerge almost all the details (name, location, distribution of power ...), seems to come however with a remarkable soundness, without adjusting the system or resorting to the aid of the State. And with the ability to take advantage of bargains to stop the crisis from other banks to grow through purchases. Have assets of around 80,000 million euros, a core capital exceeding 10% and industrial stakes among which 6% of Iberdrola, which owns BBK or 20% of CAF train manufacturer that has Kutxa. Among the three cases in 2010 totaled just over 365 million euros of profit.

At this point, Caja Navarra think that part of this project belong only to the realm of fiction. The tracks do not seem to have taken place ago. But what would a joint body which also included? Would it make sense technically and economically on the margins of political debate? Juan Carlos Longo, Department of Economics UPNA, has little doubt about it. "They tended to think that Caja Navarra was a good box, but the reality is that has joined with others who do not think what they are and we are seeing the consequences. What is happening now seems to me that borders on scandal. Is a mess ", sentence.

Juan Pablo Montes, director Income Navarra 4 shows also very critical of the path taken by Caja Navarra. " I is surprising, really. We see the suspense in the stress test, the office goes to Sevilla ... Yo, maybe he is a little classic, but do not quite see the advantages in these processes. I understand the normal mergers and takeovers, but this .. . "Says Montes, pessimistic about the future of the sector.

Navarra Basque Federation

Supporters of integration in the draft of the Basque savings banks insist that there was no need to invent anything. The existence of Navarra Basque Federation of Savings Banks, which dates back to the 20, could have served in the perfect setting to view a hypothetical junction boxes, according to all available data now be contained within the four largest market (about 100,000 million in assets), with a balance of higher quality and a more contained, arrears, below 3, 3%. The four companies are based in the two communities with higher income per capita and less unemployment, so the impact of the crisis is felt less in income statement. And until 2007, when he landed on the Caja Navarra CAV with 60 branches (one half of which had to close), there was little overlap of branches. Each of the four boxes have historically respected the other territories, which even earned them a fine of 24 million euros by the National Competition Commission.

" boxes also shared a financial culture and way of doing things " adds Longás, Nafarroa Bai candidate for the Parliament of Navarre, and understands that the decision not to seek a union with the three Basque savings banks is "politics." "It would have been the way - adds to maintain an institution model anchored in the territory. And what we have now Civic Banking is a weakened institution with headquarters in Seville."

Policy and the Bank of Spain José

Luis Alvarez, director of the Department of Economics at the University of Navarra, understands that "almost all mergers technically feasible" , but believes that we must take into consideration issues such as the presence or absence of each entity in other communities. "I think with Caja Canarias initially sought just that, non-overlapping offices." The teacher also shows that doubts about the path taken by the SIP is irreversible or there is some reverse. " From the outside it seems to me that there are boxes that are being added to projects not entirely convinced" says before pointing out that political considerations continue to play a key role in the restructuring of the sector. And also adds a new element to the debate: " The public's perception to a merger. How do people understand? Does the merger other connotations in addition to the financial" . Few doubt that in the event of a merger between Caja Navarra and Basque savings banks, with the latter as the third of a group of four, the discussion had gone beyond the economic and raised hackles, especially in the most Navarre. In fact, politics has conditioned all the processes of integration and as obvious as the merger of the three boxes Basque has taken six years to materialize and is not yet final. Include the part Navarre no doubt would have added complexity to the puzzle.

Would you have accepted the Bank of Spain a merger of this kind? Technically, the operation might seem impeccable, having no cost to public funds and simplify the map of entities, something that always sighed inspectors. But this option left to the regulator without some of their most valuable time to reorganize the system. "The Bank of Spain has sought to collect boxes and boxes good bad. And I, if the regulator surely do the same," says Longás. Thus, acquired BBK Cajasur Cajastur took Caja Castilla la Mancha, Unicaja has finally caught up to Spain, Duero and Navarra Fund itself, with just 18,000 million euros in assets, leads a group of more than 71,000 million and provides both the name and Banking business model Civic. The Seville Cajasol gives size and margins, but also a higher arrears to 6.5% of investors do not trust.

No size to send

were other possibilities, such as joining and powerful medium boxes, such as Caja Murcia and Cajastur Can complementary and similar size, but where the entity had been difficult to impose Navarre its business model. Geographical coverage would have been further enlargement is not the case in Basque, and the merger would also have allowed to grow through purchases in the second phase. Something similar would happen, for example, in an alliance with Ibercaja also solvent, but larger. None of this has happened and Civic Bank proceeds with a project that does not seem too much to start, which rejected the FROB. The entity headed by Enrique Goñi now hopes to convince markets that its business model represents the future banking and aims to capture 1,000 million. But apparently, investors hesitate. " In general, it is doubtful the real value of assets " explains Juan Pablo Montes, Renta 4. " are talking about savings of up to 70%, so if the final value boxes to the market price, this can be a catastrophe."

Juan Ángel Monreal, in Diario de Noticias

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Aurra-inskribatzeko Euskal udalekuetan EPEA Zabalik!

- Piraten Udalekua: Pasai-DONIBANE uztailaren 2tik abuztuaren 1st

bitarte, astebeteko txandetan banatuta. Lehen Hezkuntzako 1. eta 3.

maila bitarteko gaztetxoek jolas tailerraz, ludoteka pirataz, txangoa

txalupaz, hondartzaz, Donostiako akuarioaz, ontziolarako bisitaldiaz,

ibilaldiaz, igerilekuaz… gozatu ahal izango dute.

- Xamariko Udalekuak: Larraulen uztailaren 2tik abuztuaren 1era bitarte,

astebeteko txandetan banatuta. Lehen Hezkuntzako 4. eta 5. maila

bitarteko ikasleentzat. Gaztetxoek naturaz gozatzeko aukera izango

dute: jolasak, herri kirolak, mendi ibilaldiak, hondartza, espeleologia,


- Bertso Udalekuak: Orion, abuztuaren 1etik 7ra bitarte. Udaleku hauek

LH 4 eta 5. mailako ikasleei zuzenduak dira eta jolasak, bertso

tailerrak, mendi irteerak, hondartza, bertso afaria, udalekuetako

diskoaren grabazioa eta mila abentura bizi ahal izango dituzte!

- Udaleku Sorgindua: Zugarramurdin, uztailaren 14tik abuztuaren 1era

bitarte, astebeteko txandetan banatuta, LH6 eta DBH2 bitarteko

ikasleei zuzenduak. Sendabelar tailerra, Xaretako ibilbidea, kobazuloen

bisita, Senpereko lakuan kayak… egin ahal izango dute.

Anima zaitez eta gozatu udaz euskaraz!


Tafallako Udaleko Euskara Zerbitzuan, Fco. De Navarra 5 edo

948 70 November 18 telefonora deituz

2011 camp

Open Registration period for the camps in Euskera!

- Camp Pirate: Pasai-Donibane on July 2 to August 1,

divided into batches a week. Students between 1 and 3 of

primary will be able to enjoy workshops, toy library pirate

tours, boat trip, beach, aquarium Donosti, shipyard tours,

pool ...

- Xamariko Camp: in Larraul July 2 to August 1, divided

in batches a week. Students aged between 4 and 5 elementary

enjoy games, herri kirolak, bush walks, beach,

caving, climbing ...

- Camp verses: in Orio, from 1 to 7 Youth August 4th

and 5th grade. Will be able to play, create verses, do

bertso- a dinner, a record ... and a thousand adventures!

- Camp Enchanted : in Zugarramurdi, July 14 to August 1,

divided into batches a week. For young people aged 6 primary school

and Secondary 2. Herbal medicine shop, visit the caves, kayaking

Sempere Lake ... are some of the activities that may


Go ahead and enjoy the summer in Euskera!


Euskera In the Service of the City of Tafalla, Francisco de square

Navarra 5 or

Calling 948 70 November 18

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On days past, in the Plenary Hall of Tafalla, it became clear where was the dividing line between Democrats who are not. Denying the existence of torture to their own neighbors, as did the majority of the council, not just a matter of cynical or misinformed, is taking a proactive approach to hide, and therefore for the further production. They are cowards, none of the council would be able to deny, staring into the eyes of Harvey and Marine, Author Garazi parents that their daughter was tortured and was sexually molested. Nor dare to deny it before Etxebarria Beatriz's parents, raped a few days later with a stick in a police station; parents or Iker Moreno, well known in Tafalla, or dozens of Navarre who complain of torture in so far this year.

only we are not saying. These days there have been two cases in Strasbourg condemned the English state for failing to investigate the torture. We have also known the sentence of a judge on the wild Donostia torture practiced in Portu and Sarasola. And on the Internet are the annual reports of Amnesty International denounced the English State, as well as reports of the Rapporteur of the UN. All this is public, is available and you can ask people directly affected, without departing from the same municipality. You can also ask any of the 28 neighbors of Tafalla and the region who have suffered torture these past years.


But UPN and PSOE (and cowardly abstaining) prefer to continue working with the scourge of torture, denying its existence. Then his comrades of the Civil Government the task has finished sending substantial fines Falces young people who marched to protest what they had done to Garazi.

Torture is a crime imprescriptible, crimes against humanity. International laws are justified, and to allow the death penalty and war, but all qualify as torture most heinous crime against the human condition. A day will come that this practice be eradicated and cursed his memory. But do not forget that allow institutions, nor the officials who have practiced and should be judged, or the name of low-level politicians who denied it. And maybe one day get that these people feel embarrassed to have had the council.

Juan José Irigoyen, San Martín and Xabier Kepa Les

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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CFO and corporate services manager of the construction Arian, Manu Aierdi gives way to the politics of labor Nafarroa Bai. Militant of the PNV, which has coordinated the area of \u200b\u200bcompetitiveness and innovation Think Gaur, faces his first political experience " with every vocation" and the desire to bring his " bit" . "The policy was criticized a lot, but it is essential" says Aierdi, which is excited and optimistic Nafarroa Bai, training that goes to elections " very good candidates, good equipment prepared and a very interesting . " The feeling of change is still present in society, and he going to appeal to very specific proposals, announced .

All parties talk about change, but what exactly is what needs to change?

In Navarre there is a cycle has ended, and who long ago began to tire. The UPN model was generated with the help of PSN exclusion and rejection of a part of society, and that nothing has fostered a positive atmosphere.

fault Is that just a part?

Maybe not 100%, but since then he has governed has all the responsibility. Doors have been questions as Euskera enriching or cultural and economic relations with the CAV. It is incomprehensible. You have to create channels that generate peace meeting. Everyone feels he can be part of Navarre, because social cohesion also affects economic activity. Everything is mixed and is related. That is my dream.

Is the biggest criticism that can be done to UPN?

Worst of UPN's his style. Makes an extraordinary use of political marketing. Presents a plan to achieve not know why and no concrete goals. Then do what you can, know or want and, yes, sell it so fantastic. The Modern and Navarre Plan are two examples. Both

Modern Plan as the Navarre Plan objectives materialize.

The Modern paintings are very beautiful, but also a board reserves the right to redefine their goals at different times. Part of that political culture of UPN: how to control Navarra, I can go deciding, making and selling what we are most interested. And the same with the Navarre Plan.

What do you think should be the priorities for the next term?

surprisingly, the fight against unemployment is the number one priority. We must also encourage Navarra competitive in this globalized world, crazy and complicated. It is also very important to social cohesion, and for that we must ensure equal opportunities and reducing inequalities.

How do you propose to get it?

have to influence the education and values. Especially in the commitment. A compromise is two way, people with society, and society with people. The citizen must know that if you need the Administration, will help. But it also requires a commitment of individual citizens, who cares to get ahead and use all the tools that the institutions available to them. Beyond

looking for work, little else can a unemployed.

This is the way we see life and how we look at society. To fight against unemployment is fundamental training, and that requires an individualized plan for each of the unemployed. But then you have to demand a commitment that draws on the resources and facilities available to you and not down the road we have designed together.

Can an individualized plan for 46,000 people?

is a priority measure in the short term. Categories may be established by sector, age or background, but the aim should be an individualized action plan. You have to move the unemployed who care about him and seek a solution with a personal touch. That's what I mean by the dual commitment.

Navarra is behaving before the crisis better than other communities. Is it a positive or just a consolation?

Navarra's situation is different from the rest. This industry has a lot of weight, and major companies like Volkswagen, are of foreign capital. And that worries me. It gives us jobs and export capacity, but little added value. We are installers of things, but we have a large R & D + i.

investment I + D + i is the highest in the state.

If we look at what the industry invests in R + D + i see that in 2008 were 122 million, down from 137 million in 2004. The industry, which is supposed to be the green lung of the economy of Navarre, is limited to installation and gives no added value.

As things stand, we have enough to continue here.

Sure. But we must keep track of those companies to feel comfortable and clothed, but also trying to bring research and development processes. Not only the assembly line.

you come from the business world. What shortcomings?

One foot very important and which must work well, are SMEs. Companies with fewer than six workers represent a huge percentage, and have some deficiencies that must be addressed, especially in strategic planning and access to credit. And, of course, help new entrepreneurs. We can not have a business idea that is lost because it happened does not know where to go.

"The crisis is different from the company that since the policy?

Maybe. In the search policy holder tends to caricature things, and nothing is black or white. The important things deserve a more sedate. This is what we tried in the Think Gaur . Includes more than 300 positive proposals that break with some topics of PNV are not true.

PNV What is right?

That is something that is part of the cartoon, but the PNV is a serious party, progressive and well glued to the problems. A right-wing party is individualistic, is comfortable in the reduction of non-state and solidarity with people management. And is not the case of the PNV.

As things stand, the support of the PNV "Zapatero can be a drag Nafarroa Bai?

The PNV party that knows a priority, and that sometimes leads us to support some things to change benefits or improvements to the BAC and Navarre. Dropping Zapatero had not helped at all, and the PNV, as NaBai, is a party with ability to reach agreements. And that is very important.

But sometimes what matters to the CAV are not interested in Navarra.

The PNV and, of course, in NaBai, decisions are made independently in the BAC and Navarre. Bothers me when I hear UPN pandering to fear that come the Basques. A Navarra us more than we care about UPN.

Is there sufficient cohesion to withstand NaBai whole legislature?

, absolutely. We will have a very compact message, we have strong leaders in two major institutions that we present ourselves, and we have well trained teams shot well. NaBai is alive and will present a serious project and guaranteed. And I say this quite convinced.

How do you think will influence the output of EA in the coalition?

Our opponent is not EA, it's UPN, and we will focus on providing clear and concrete proposals to the problems of the people. Let the elections with great strength and desire. What other options also go, that all are represented and that no one feels they can not vote for whomever he wishes.

But competition in the nationalist area can undermine the institutional strength of NaBai.

not have to. NaBai going to the elections with a very interesting, strong leaders and teams of well-compensated. Our objective is clear, to end this cycle of UPN already too long. We need to open the window for fresh air and move to the elites and centers of power. The rest will tell the public.

The question is how and who articulate that change.

know that we can not, but we can be the shifter. The NaBai to be present will be a NaBai willing to reach agreements and respect them. I do not know what they will do the rest, but we will put our utmost to make change happen.

Dare to make a prediction?

We're excited. There are polls, and people still want a change. But I dare not give a result. For some, my prognosis would be surprisingly optimistic, so I prefer not to get wet.

News Journal

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No way, Peña Nieto can not please him at all

Since childhood my mother gave me an invaluable lesson of life: you can not please everyone. It is impossible. Someone is always going to be unhappy with what you do or what you say, your attitude about something or your opinion.

Today I was reminded more than ever that wise phrase. With the registration of Ávila Eruviel as the PRI candidate for governor of the State of Mexico, critics are not waiting. First, when all the dice were loaded into Alfredo del Mazo to be the candidate, was showered with criticism Enrique Peña Nieto, is accused of nepotism, to impose a family member (because the deck is his cousin, remember?), continuing the line of Atlacomulco group, of being anti democratic.

When he announced that the PRI candidate would Eruviel Ávila, it seems that could not
criticize the choice of a candidate who also was agreed by all candidates and members of the PRI in the state.

But now is no, that was dedazo Eruviel governor, which was an imposition of Peña Nieto ... And most surprising of all is that any "opinion leader" with an account Twitter comes to making unfounded criticisms, but in the desire to be noticed and gain publicity.

"critical period? For nothing. You only try to find the black wire where there is none. Want criticized for criticizing
is not serious journalism, but is wanting to stir up, make noise, media bullying.

Eruviel Nobody can deny that Avila was the best candidate, who was the better candidate because he was popular, and not even have to do with Peña Nieto and his group of friends. Now if you want to criticize for criticizing ...

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A Peralta end of next summer will have a new recreation area. Will Aroma Park, a place designed, as well as a recreational site as a learning and knowledge neighbors. As explained by Mayor Peralta, Juan Jesus Basarte Osés, the park will combine a multitude of herbs with trees. "We want to separate the issue of aromas, is a very colorful place. To this end, we will seek to combine plants that combine both elements: the olfactory and striking image" said Basarte.

To create this space, the session risers will be assisted students of IES Ribera del Arga. Alberto Villafranca, head of agricultural department of the center, said that this is not the first time that students who attend training courses in gardening work with consistory and projects that previously took charge of landscaping and beautifying a roundabout.

This time, the session has also been in contact with them. Villafranca himself explained there are plenty of herbs. " Some already know them because they are very characteristic, but others are not so familiar to locals" he said. " Any herbs that could be placed in the park would be classified into five groups established, shrubs and trees, climbers, conifers, herbaceous and bulbous" , Villafranca said.

The aim of the Session is that, in addition to a recreation area, the park has its educational side. "The intention would also place panels explaining the different plants and trees that have" , said the mayor. The park will be located next to the road of Funes, in a plot owned by the consistory, an investment will be around 50,000 euros. To run it, the council will have a grant of 27,000 euros, by the consortium Eder. PLANT

1 Climbers: Jasmine, mother jungle or glycine, among others. Conifers

2: Within the cypresses, the variety "Gold Crest" or the pines of certain species.

3 Herbaceous: These are perhaps the best known. Within this group we find the sage, thyme, oregano, lavender, lemon balm, among others.

4 Bulbs: freesia, hyacinths and lilies.

5 Shrubs and trees: Some examples that would be included in this group are the roses, an aromatic plant that also provides lots of color, the lilacs or the laurel. As for the trees, a possible range would be the lime.

Diario de Navarra

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In Figueres over 200 people calling for a tightening of the criminal code for animal abusers

A Figueres més de 200 persones reclamen un enduriment del codi penal per als maltractadors d'animals

In Figueres
over 200 people demanding a tightening of the criminal code for animal abusers Carles Pujol ·
Carles Pujol · TRAMUNATANA. TV On Friday March 25 at 8 pm was made a rally in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Figueres to demand a tightening of the criminal code for animal abusers.

PROUD of Alt Empordà,

We have been a few that we have become involved and committed to initiative popular for a tightening of the penal code to animal abusers. It called for 25 simultaneous demonstrations across Spain and acts of collecting signatures .....

Here in our region is the phrase "being tocats per la Tramuntana" ("being touched by the Tramuntana") to identify someone crazy ... And it looked like we were crazy actually waiting for a Figueres small town like to concentrate more than fifty people .... People

anonymous paper the city, handed out sheets of signatures, we mobilize the Internet via Facebook, handed out leaflets in the streets and markets and shops ... "Tocats per la Tramuntana" touched by the love of animals .... Were two weeks of madness, nervous, new ideas, fear of failure, enthusiasm for the answer that we were in the street ... But we wanted to excite ...

And the day came Friday, March 25 at 19:30 We arrived early to start editing ... banner, posters, etc .... and there were people of all ages in the Plaça de l'Ajuntament waiting for "those dogs" ... and as we were with dogs ... we identified fast!.

At 20:00 pm the place was full of people, I repeat, of all ages, most with their dogs, there concentrated. We could not believe. The local media came and testified calculating event more than 200 people gathered ... The Councillor for the Environment of Figueres, Richard Elelman, offered some encouraging words for the cause ... People, dogs, pictures, candles, signatures ... ENTHUSIASM.

We were quite grateful to everyone s who came and gave their support to the fight against animal abuse. WE HAVE BEEN YOUR VOICE. And L'Empordà has demonstrated its vivo, it is willing, there are people who do not go all that we have the strength of the union, people willing to be a grain of sand among millions of grains of sand in a good cause .... Anyway, we're a small town surrounded by other cities and small towns ... and have been many that have raised your voice for the voiceless.

Congratulations to all of you here MANY HAVE BEEN. And we've been part of an act that can make a difference in the lives of animals. Thanks!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Elvira is Colombian. He arrived 13 years ago to Olite. Widow, left three children in your country. There was a dressmaker and designer. Here, he began scrubbing in a restaurant. Within months, he changed to another where it takes 12 years, now as a cook. Target goal was accomplished. Coming to Spain to find work, brought their children (they came one and a half later.) His ultimate dream was to own homes.
In June 2005, bought an apartment in Olite, large, centrally located and new construction. It cost 180,000 euros. "I had no savings. I was given a credit for 120%. The manufacturers box and I did all the paperwork. The only guarantee was the salary of my son (welder, with two children and a home)."
The mortgage came to 900 euros per month. "But it was to afford," he says. A list of 1,500 euros to get fat with extra jobs: cleaning houses and garment alterations. In September 2008, he received a letter from the bank where he provided coverage rates. "I was told that protected my mortgage. What if the Euribor rose, went up more. And paid 1,300 euros.
He convinced me," he explains. Not received a euro for the swap. Rates fell, but Elvira was paying more each month: 980 and 360 mortgage swap. "They said they had fixed mortgage and gave me another loan to pay it." Over "selling off" their home at the end of 2010, of 140,000 euros, and grateful to do so because prices fell.
cancel the credit of 40,000 euros that he borrowed from a private individual, who still owe the money. But the coverage was. Asked him to cancel more than 25,000 euros. She still lives in the apartment of your dreams, but now pays 540 euros for rent to its owner.
swap bleeds The other 480 euros per month. And the payroll has been reduced. Food, clothing, the cost of the "small" and facing the house pulling the credit card at the supermarket and payroll her other daughter, who does manicures.
has sought a lawyer. And take the matter to trial. "They tell me I have a chance. For me to return everything I've paid with interest and something that I missed to sell the flat. But until further notice, I'm paying."
Elvira Zapata in Diario de Navarra (collected from Ordago)

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This is Eruviel Avila, the PRI candidate to the State of Mexico

The most anticipated unveiling of this year, it finally happened today. Eruviel Avila, who until today was mayor of Ecatepec. And after the surprise is not really very rare that he is the candidate.

Eruviel is a change, positive in local politics of the State of Mexico. This is a man, originally from Ecatepec, who entered the political life of the entity on its own. A lawyer by profession - career in which he has a masters and doctorate - became the municipality of Ecatepec because that was their social service.

This sparked his interest in politics, and has since been elected as local MP twice, and was also mayor of Ecatepec twice, in 2003, recovered the town of PAN and in 2009 he did the hands of the PRD.

In his personal blog ( ), said that his father learned the craft of glassmaking - there's even a video where he practices, rather well the truth.

His greatest strength is to be, precisely, a candidate of the people, who earned his place in the July election on merit, not by imposition or favor, or their relationship with Peña Nieto. Undoubtedly, this is the biggest advantage that comes Eruviel Ávila to the campaign for the governorship.

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Eruviel Avila, the black horse gets the nomination

few moments ago, Alfredo del Mazo, Mayor of Huixquilucan, announced that e not be a candidate for governor in the state of Mexico. This only is the mayor of Ecatepec Eruvial Avila, who did not start the race favorite, far from it.

Of the five possible candidates raised, Eruviel was the least near the first circle of Enrique Peña Nieto, does not belong to Atlacomulco, and del Mazo. It was one of the principal contributors to Peña Nieto in his government, and Luis Ernesto Videgaray or Nemer.

Eruviel from Ecatepec, looked far from the nomination. Why, then, it will be the PRI candidate for governor of the State of Mexico?

The answer is simple: Peña Nieto could not let the candidate of his party came into question in the campaign. Just let the best candidate to stay, and there did not attempt to place friends and associates.

Now comes the hard part for Eruviel. But we understand that this is a well-deserved nomination, which has worked hard, and that the State of Mexico recognized him as a worthy successor to Enrique Peña.

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direct or veiled accusations of political motivation that would lock the decision of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court canceling the registration of Sortu as legal training, refer to existence of a prior intent or a mind conditioned by information outside the judicial process. Are the charges Sortu developers and spokesmen for the nationalist left dumped once known failure, recovering the stigma of the State as a monolithic and univocal. But the story of what happened after the discussion of the sixteen judges of that Chamber, when they had to take a decision whether or not to challenge the new party, lets talk about 'politics' in the sense of the term net. Since only an attitude 'policy' may explain why, seven judges who were opposed to the banning of the letters submitted to the registration of parties, only three were willing to write separate opinion disagreeing with the ruling.
This shift toward the majority position indicates that the disagreements were over which presupposes the final result, which probably moves the contents of the statement. It would be safe to assume that the fault discovered in the Supreme pave the way to the Constitutional if it resolves immediately. Most likely scenario if the correct decision to lower some of the arguments presented by the State Attorney and the Attorney General. The speed with which it has ruled the Supreme Constitutional invited to speak before 18 April deadline for submitting nominations for the May 22 elections. But the most significant case is the parsimony with the self serving nationalist left, he waited until the last moment to shape Sortu and now seems to idle, ready to put his application to TC outside the electoral calendar, as if were the others, starting with President López, who had more quickly than they are. Parsimony that encourages the impression that, in fact, the successors of Batasuna would feel more comfortable now shelter a coalition with AD and Alternatiba (Bildu) combined with local groups of voters, corseted by the symbol of the rising sun.
finished the doctrinal effort to clear in the statutes submitted for registration, the left wing nationalists and members have rated Sortu is now expected to be the state that moves from position, activating the TC or rather, admitting the integration of candidates on the lists of the coalition Bildu and groups of voters. The idea that if not this time will be the next was so deep in broad sectors of public opinion is more difficult to justify why not now. To tighten a little more left-wing nationalism and test it, it would be the answer. But it is clear that the heirs of Batasuna will not go beyond where they have come Sortu's bylaws and its defense before the Supreme Court. Because, in the worst case, a change that ultimately can not be presented to local and provincial elections, they know they will achieve pacify the interior, to ensure unanimity. It is this that gives comfort to their leaders. They know they should be some haste, because the later you produce your return to legality will be more evident that the "new stage" announced so religiously to their bases is reduced to its own authentication.
The striking turn of the nationalist left the institutional game can project the feeling of a win, especially if their presence disrupts the majorities set precedent future governance conditions. If somehow or other left-wing nationalism gets to participate in the elections of May 22, there will probably be two winners, she and the Popular Party. Not so much because both are able to obtain an outstanding result in Euskadi, for withdrawal to the special role of the nationalist left and the rise of PP in the forecasts might induce potential supporters among other options. The emergence of the successors of Batasuna not ensure its success after the first ballot. But would contrast with the image so timid and decline that have been offering in recent times, compared to when they appeared with a champion armed back-to successfully perceive among their own ranks.
would have similar effects and can not attend the local and provincial elections in May, the nationalist left side regained the legality of some general that could be brought forward to next fall. A PP winner and the heirs of Batasuna able to return to Congress and the Senate and the dissonant voice of the Parliament of Rajoy. Be achieved because the nationalist left in place elected councils, general meetings and Navarre Parliament, either because they do not succeed, in the likely event that the Constitutional ruling on the appeal that this Sortu after the next elections, its judges may find la cuestión de fondo -inacción etarra y moderación radical- tan madura que les resulte muy difícil dar la razón al Supremo. Se convertiría en un trampolín moral que permitiría a la izquierda abertzale acomodarse definitivamente en la desmemoria.
Kepa Aulestia (en El Correo y Diario Vasco)

Friday, March 25, 2011

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Hirugarren eta azken finalaurrekoa jokatuko da larunbatean, martxoaren 26an, Elizondon, Nafarroako Bertsolari Txapelketako final asko hartu dituen Lur aretoan, 17,30ean hasita.

Elizondoko finalaurrekoak erabakita utziko du apirilaren 9ko finalean arituko diren zortzi bertsolariak nortzuk izanen diren. Dagoeneneko Jon Barberena eta Estitxu Arozena daude sailkatuta, eta Elizondon irabazten duenarekin batera, finalaurrekoetako bost puntuaziorik onenek lortuko dute finalerako txartela.

Lur aretoan sei bertsolari igoko dira oholtzara, eta horietatik hiruk badakite zer den Nafarroako txapela janztea. Julio Soto gorritiarra egungo txapelduna da, iaz Lesakan irabazi baitzuen txapelketa. Xabier Silveira, berriz, sei aldiz irabazi du Nafarroako Bertsolari Txapelketa, azkena 2009an Lur aretoan bertan. Eta Julen Zelaietak ere Lur aretoan lortu zuen txapelketa, 2008ko finala irabazita.

Horiekin batera, Iñigo Ibarra finalean kantatzea zer den dakien bertsolaria dugu. Eta finalerako lehen aldiz sailkatzen saiatuko dira Aimar Karrika eta Aritz Saragueta, biak Berriozarko azken-laurdenetik pasatu dira finalaurrekoetara.

Ikusmin handia sortu du azken finalaurrekoak eta giro paregabea espero da Elizondon larunbatean. Saiorako sarrerak dagoeneko salgai daude atarian.

Nafarroako Bertsozale Elkartea da Elizondoko saioko antolatzailea eta Elizondoko saioa antolatzeko Baztango Udala, Baztango Bertso Eskola eta Lur aretoko laguntza izan du.

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El encierro del Pilón de Falces ha sido declarado Fiesta de Interés Turístico de Navarra por la consejería de Turismo Institution and the Prince of Viana. Fakes City Council was the one who proposed this distinction to the Directorate General of Tourism.

Pilon The closure dates from 1751, according to the oldest documents of the municipal archive of Fakes. As enshrined in the statutory order, "the act has a century-old tied to popular culture, and its spectacular has achieved significant recognition in its own right and great power of attraction, surpassing the reach only a holiday for cultural consideration."

This bullfights held for nine consecutive days, from the penultimate Sunday of August, coinciding with the festivities of Fakes. Today is celebrated with heifers, running down a narrow canyon with the mountain to the right and a small ravine to the left. The pipeline carries dangerous and striking, makes this unique enclosure.

local historian José María Sanz Suess has compiled the origins of this festival: "Since the town is sheltered by a cliff, driving cattle up the mountain was made to not cross the plain of the river." But the traditional route was one thing, and closure as now known, is another. "In practice was the same, but had no official classification of confinement, or was organized ", Sanz has Suess. Thus, spontaneity is one of the original features of this race." And that is known because there is no live amateur falcesino taurine or lack of other entertainment not up to wait for Elarre cows to the pen, and then download the cabrería " recalls the historian." The waiters, who had entertained the waiting with some sausage, bread and wine boot, ran down ahead of the pack " he adds.

was not until the late 60's when he started running of the bulls as we know it today. Then the falcesinos younger athletes started running in defiance heifers and their own costs.

News Journal

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The March 26 meet its diamond jubilee of our beloved San Francisco feud. Developed on the plot of the same name that was previously opened in 1928, the new San Francisco met in 1951 with the most exacting standards of the playing fields.
San Francisco arrived at the most pointed. La Peña Sport achieved its best athletic achievements in the league and cup competitions in the old San Isidro and the club needed to take this step necessary with new facilities in line with the times.
The board, chaired by Leandro Hualde, put all the effort and the City Council accompanied by the clamor of the fans who pushed en masse to a provincial championship team and able to peek into other soccer football world.
Construction began in AD 50. The City acquired the property owned by the St. San Juan, at the end of Barranquiel just where previously was the old rectangle game, unused since 1933 by the infamous "pool" closed from pulpits and administrative offices.
brigade Zubiri Brothers' work over the execution of works. Not in vain Zubiri, Ceferino and Jesus, were founders and players of the club in the twenties.
San Francisco was proud of all the fans, locals and visitors. At the time, only the San Juan Pamplona had better facilities. Their measures 105x7o m, grass ryegrass premium, two complete wardrobes for both teams and one more for the referees. Grandstand for 300 spectators, bank to viewers around the rectangular perimeter, outside bar and access in line with the boom sport of the moment.
The total cost of the works was £ 212,162.56. As a curiosity, the prices of the evening were: preference, 10 pts; general 8 pts.
That afternoon the March 26, 1951 Tafalla erupted at a party. It was Monday, the second day of Easter, and city and county responded the best way to fill seats and places where it was right to watch the game.
La Peña Sport received the Athletic Club of Bilbao, the most successful to date. Martino, our big blue capital, greeted the legendary Zarra, Maracana international scorer of 50 against England on the eve of the match. Then those of us botxo endorsed a 7 to 1 with Osés goal for the Blues but did it matter the outcome, if the party was another! The
template club members, led by Marc Telleria, the same year were: Extremera Lopetegui, Labat, Martino, Echarri, Khiam, Jauregui, coli, Abad, Osés, Sarasa, Zoca, Guti, Velasco, Casado, Iñaki P. Haggar and Lizarazu.
Today, sixty years later, still with us Osés, Velasco and Lizarazu.
Since then, San Francisco, with the passing of time, bright and not so much in the past, has been on its evergreen lawns run to hundreds and hundreds of players representing the top teams.
List of equipment that fought in 1 st Division to have played in San Francisco in an official game: Getafe, Pontevedra, Oviedo, Leon, Sabadell, Hercules, Alcoyano, Castellón, Valencia, Real Betis, Arenas de Getxo, Alava, Burgos, Valladolid, Logrono, Numancia, Real Sociedad and Osasuna.
Also, as friendly, Osasuna did on countless occasions and Athletic Club, one more, in summer 2005, when he signed Jon Velez for the locals.
List of equipment subsidiaries of the big clubs who played in San Francisco in official competition: Celtic, Sporting, Racing, Athletic, Real Sociedad, Osasuna, Logroño, Burgos, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bEspanyol, Zaragoza, Real Betis, Las Palmas, Salamanca and Valladolid. Remember
also three international matches:
On 14 August 1973, Hurricane Peña Sport Diver Montevideo.
On August 14, 1974: Peña Sport-Gimnasia y Esgrima de La Plata (Argentina)
On August 9, 1993: Peña Sport Vlasivastak Red Star (Russian)

José Luis Lizarbe ( in La Voz de la Merindad)

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legalization Sortu by the Supreme Court was closer than it appears, and the division among the judges who comprise the so-called Chamber of 61 beyond the three separate opinions announced. In fact, only two votes were the ones who decided to veto the new formation of the nationalist left: nine justices voted to prohibit the entry of Sortu in the Register of Political Parties, and seven against, in an unprecedented event in processes banning of political formations.

According to some sources, the seven dissenting judges would be assessing the possibility of presenting a single dissenting vote, but signed by all of them. This would increase before the Constitutional Court the need for a decisive pronouncement before the election. Another possibility is that these judges to accede to any of the votes of the three.

Opposition to veto Sortu also wins in importance by the stature of three judges signed: three presidents of the Chamber of the Supreme Court. This is Xiol Juan Antonio Ríos (President Civil), José Manuel Sieira (Contentious-Administrative) and Gonzalo Miller (Social Division). The three judges expressed opposition to the arguments espoused by the reporting judge, Carlos Lesmes, although none of them announced their intention to issue a dissenting opinion to the car, which did make Rafael Gimeno-Bayon, Manuel Ramón Alarcón and Jose Luis Calvo Cabello. The seventh dissenting judge would be the Criminal Alberto Jorge Barreiro, who also have released their "buts" as stated in the paper. All dissenters would be included in the "progressive wing" of the Board of 61.

Confronting divergent, spoke in favor of outlawing Sortu also President Carlos Divar, the presidents of the Criminal (John Saavedra) and the Military (Ángel Calderón). They also supported the rapporteur's position Lesmes judges "old" Xavier O'Callaghan Muñoz (Civil Division), Carlos Granados Pérez (PC), Ricardo Enríquez Sancho (Litigation) and Aurelio Toothless Bonnet (Social). Of modern, non-registration supports Mendoza Francisco Javier Fernandez (Military). For

Sortu can participate in the elections, the Constitution should issue a favorable ruling before the April 18, the day on which nominations will be announced.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Edomex arguments Luis Felipe Bravo Mena for Edomex alliance

This week, Luis Felipe Bravo Mena has been everywhere talking about the alliance in the State of Mexico, and how he would be the best choice to lead it. With Alejandro ECINE out of competition - because he already made it clear he will not participate with the PAN - he's the strongest candidate with both the PAN and the PRD to contend against the PRI.

For many, myself included in this group was a surprise to see that a man so PAN was so ready to defend and act on behalf of a partnership between opposing parties. These are some of the arguments used in interviews they have done and see what you think.

The goal is to oxygenate the political life of the state, clean through alternation. not understand why Bravo Mena by "alternation", but should take into account that 7 out of 10 State of Mexico was ruled by the PAN and the PRD in s
us municipalities, and now are giving their trust the PRI. It appears that did not fare so well with the alternation, right?

In politics the oil and water can be put together when there are overarching objectives, valid and good. still do not know if can gather, is want to join, but it is still too early to see the results of the alliance government.

realize the risk of the alliance between PAN and PRD,
points directly to 2012, because the PRI has proposed converting the state Mexico into a base from which take by assault the power nationwide. That is precisely what they are doing the PAN and the PRD with the alliance, are moving towards 2012. Never before had imported them win the State of Mexico, until they decided they had to stop the career of Enrique Peña Nieto to the presidency.

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"Clara discrimination." "Obstacles unacceptable." "Contempt for teachers" . These are some of the reasons that the English Episcopal Conference (EEC) provides for the continued decline in students opting for the subject of Religion in Spain. A drop may be described as structural, as in the past decade more than half a million school children no longer eligible for that matter, spending 80% of students in 2004 to 71% this year, according to its own statistics Episcopate. Still, now 3,172,537 students enrolled in the course of a total of 4,470,191.

The situation is worrying, since the decline is becoming more pronounced in Secondary Education (ESO), where for the first time low of 60% acceptance (58.9) and in high school, where as only a minority of that choose the field (42.7%). In Children's (77%) and primary (80%), there is still ample room for hope.

Data provided by the Episcopal Conference in a press release just provide statistical data, and are offered by type of school (Catholic, entered into or state), rather than by type of education (Nursery, Primary, Secondary or high school): you have to dive into the Episcopal web to find and make a small comparison, which shows how the decline has become structural and prospects for improvement are not on the horizon.

Perhaps for this reason, the bishops highlight the brief report " the importance of religious education for new generations, so necessary for the harmonious growth, human, spiritual and religious pupils as young as crucial personal growth" in a situation that the English Church, citing Benedict XVI calls "ugencia education."

" is time to make important decisions for the children, overcoming the difficulties that sometimes apply to religious education" underscore the bishops. Such difficulties include "the null, weak or biased information when enrolling the children, the same contempt that sometimes, it is teachers, hindering the normal development of their business, the transfer of hours of religious instruction in the first hour or last day, thus encouraging students to not attend these classes; the frequent underestimation of the contribution of religion to the education of students. "

These and other situations "cause of discrimination against religious instruction in schools, go against the fundamental rights of parents and undermine the true, peaceful and true human progress, spiritual and religious student" , according to the Episcopate English, which is particularly critical to the Organic Law of Education (LOE), which "locks introduced unacceptable for students to choose in equal opportunities for the teaching of Catholic religion in the various stages of education."

Nevertheless, the Catholic hierarchy thanks to parents and students who "exercise every year, mostly voluntary, their fundamental right to choose Catholic religious and moral education" , the trust, while grateful for the teachers work Religion "in the midst of so many legal, academic and social ." The It concludes by inviting, now starts the period of enrollment, Catholic parents to enroll their children to religion classes. " eliminate God and know that means breaking the circle of knowledge."

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In just one day of deliberations following the hearing in just over ten hours, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the nationalist left is not entitled to have a legal party. Faced with the reality of an internal debate that has focused on the democratic and political means as the 'unique' and statutes used to reject all violence - "refusal to openly and unambiguously includes ETA" -, the Board of 61 chose to agree with the issues of faith raised by the State Attorney and Advocacy.

Despite not knowing the basics of the ruling, the Supreme Court has determined that Sortu is continuing as a party outlawed Batasuna.

After the hearing on Monday, in which the police witnesses were unable to provide even a single documentary evidence that ETA had directed the creation of Sortu, and Tuesday's session, which were exposed from the parties, the Board of 61 began at 10.00 hours its deliberations, which stopped at 14.30 for lunch.

components of the Special Board meeting resumed at 16.15 and the failure was not known until 21.45 hours. The sentence must now be drafted and its contents will be known within a few days, but it has emerged that three of the judges will be announced two separate dissenting opinions.

is the first time that a decision of this type contains separate opinions. When TS tried to prevent international initiatives submitted to the European elections in 2009, five judges were dissatisfied, but had no dissenting votes in the sentence, so that is officially adopted unanimously. Second instance

Where known the content of the operative part of which reported yesterday the Supreme Court and the lawyers in their possession Sortu the legal arguments that have been applied for the prohibition of their registration, they may appeal within thirty days of the Constitutional protection of their rights. There are hopes that after the elections, his claim could succeed.

But it should be noted that this is a separate process that usually occurs with the ban on electoral lists. In that case does the electoral calendar, which is priced deadlines. In the current course, because it is an ordinary appeal, there is no time limit. In fact, when it appealed the non-registration of Abertzale Sozialisten Batasuna, took several months to provide a response and, finally, even agreed to process the appeal of lawyers.

This time there is evidence to suggest that his performance might be very different, but that the periods are shortened so as to act before the municipal and provincial elections, even more so considering that the applications must be submitted on 18 April.

Lesmes, Aznar senior

already after noon recess had transcended the rapporteur, Carlos Lesmes, argued for two hours, the prohibition of Sortu registration in the register of political parties.

Cadena Ser said the allegation Lesmes was "overwhelming and difficult to refute." After hearing his presentation, it was the turn for the rest of judges fixate its position.

Room 61 The Supreme Court consists of 16 judges, headed by Carlos Divar. The are the presidents of each of the rooms and judges oldest and most modern in every one of them.

The rapporteur, Carlos Lesmes, was a senior Justice Department during the administrations of Joseph María Aznar. In May 1996, shortly after the arrival of PP at La Moncloa, was appointed director general of conscientious objection. After the 2000 elections, changed the position by the CEO of Relations with the Administration of Justice. This was the term in which the Aznar government raised the Political Parties Law and when there was the banning of Batasuna.

As soon as he met the Supreme Court decision, the English Minister of Justice, Francisco Caamaño, showed his satisfaction. So did officials of the PP, whose efforts will now focus on preventing any person from the nationalist left in any list can be presented to the next municipal and provincial elections. In last night began to sound the first voices of the PP that lobbied the government of Rodriguez Zapatero to be especially attentive and the Inquisition to the movements that may occur in this area.

Appeal without

The sentence, when notified, may be appealed to the Constitutional Court, but he has no time to resolve, since it is not an electoral process, but a regular registration political party.

Egibar warned that legalization will increase the delay ridiculous

PNV spokesman in Parliament and Chairman of the GBB Gasteiz, Joseba Egibar, had warned the morning and "ridiculous" that the English courts will "The longer it takes to certify the legality of Sortu." Said that, whether it is legal for the elections, the nationalist left " already has deployed a comprehensive strategy to be " in the polls.

Speaking to ETB, said that "there can be preventive outlawing" , and recalled that the courts have as a tool by law. "From there - he pointed , judge intentions, impressions and other enters the realm of debatable. "

jeltzale leader said that, today, there is still disbelief "that has such a cut and break" in what has been the history of the nationalist left, but said "that fortunately has occurred." "With or without Sortu as legal tab, left-wing nationalism will be present at elections" he said.

also predicted that " to the extent that there is no alternative, with names, etc." , there will be "another twist research on hundreds or thousands people "if they were outlawed training successors.

For its part, the Commonwealth Secretary General, Adolfo Muñoz, Irratia info7 declared that, according to the principles of law, there is no other option but to legalization, but said that since there are instances of the English state in banning political interest which were outside the Supreme Court.

While various PSE leaders insisted during the day when we had to rely on the courts, Antonio Basagoiti insisted that "everyone knows what is and what is Sortu Batasuna", and that what was needed was that the Supreme Court put it seal.

However, once again, the discordant note and put it kooky vice president of the European Popular Group, Jaime Mayor Oreja, who warned that the Supreme Court ruling on the legality of Sortu be "inevitable", even though in which ETA 'land' in the Basque institutions because it is part of a "pact" with Zapatero's government.

Iñaki Iriondo, in GARA