Colombia: "My son was murdered by the Army Combat False ..."
IMAGE: Weekly Revolution
Workers No. 310 February 24, 2011
passed on 20 February, but the news went unnoticed Ysola took little notes in the newspapers this Sunday .. . Raúl Pérez Carvajal arrived that morning and stopped in Bogota Bolivar plazade the remains of Sgt ejércitoRaúl Carvajal. Wine from Monteria, Cordoba, protestapor the death of his son, killed by the army itself, for refusing to participate in an operation of "falsospositivos" where it was intended to kill more young people to pass them off as guerrillas killed assumptions combat.
The incident occurred in El Tarra, Norte de Santanderes 2006 and as the father, "my son did not kill him lasFarc, because there were four battalions in the course combatey him him out of the middle and had 150 people. Laversión I give it to me is that he fired a long range weapon francotiradorcon, but evidence Legal deMedicina say the shot was a yard with 20centímetros "
is another murder in cold blood executed by military lasfuerzas. Another act of state terrorism descargadocontra a subordinate of the repressive forces themselves, confirming that "false positives" Noson isolated incidents but a policy terroristacolombiano State.
Today, when the media praised the murderer lagestión Santos, when sections of the llamadaizquierda greet the new president's style, cuandoincluso vendeobreros heads of central ilusionesen become the vice-president, Angelino Garzón, is necesariorefrescar memory and Santos noted that the author was intelectualde this form of state terrorism.
Workers can not rely on gobernantescuyas hands are stained with the blood of the people gentessencillas can not trust the Estadoburgués, murderer of the youth of the town, go to hacerjusticia.
Justice may be exercised by the people when deciding Ademola that rotten old machine to service operators, rising on its ruins a new kindof State, where the armed masses of workers and campesinosreemplacen the standing army and where the courts
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