[Warning: This paper on Tuesday October 5, 2010, was drafted by the Communist Party of Ecuador - Red Sun (http://pukainti.blogspot.com/). This party, despite exposing the Cuban clique, has many of its documents a false image of the current situation of the Communist Party of Peru, stating that the People's War Gonzalo speed ahead and never betrayed; misrepresentations that emulate the an eerie gibberish MPP of Denmark (www.solrojo.org) malintencionalmente diffuses into the revolutionary organizations in the world to prevent them from studying the precise causes of the defeat of the People's War in Peru, to fall into the same mistakes and be defeated in the same way by the bourgeois state.]
In recent days the international scene has been marked by information inherent to the apparent changes that are being printed in the economic, political and social system in Cuba.
On That left Ecuador revisionist and opportunist has gone out to "encounter" of the news saying "appropriate" considering the same shift that has taken mankind and can be carried out "without losing the essence of the revolution." The most "radical" talk about ... .. "The alternatives that have been occurring in Cuba represent a backward step in the revolution. "
"Neither one nor the other.
The scope of the Cuban revolution from its proposal until today have been marked by its bourgeois-democratic character, with the particularity that on the march, he joined the socialist democratic discourse language, pseudo-Marxist, which by its nature the process dragged on the path revisionist. No way this puts us in a position to deny some democratic advances of the Cuban revolution but it is essential to clarify that those achievements were and are definitely very far from being socialist and basics awkwardly has maintained its leadership.
that the "revolution" has taken "a step back" is just as false as the Cuban Revolution never took a leap "forward" about building socialism in conditions manifest historical application at first instance and dictatorship of the proletariat to pave the way to Communism.
Just after second half of the twentieth century with the assault on the Branch by the revisionist clique Khrushchev at the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU, already stoked social differences between Soviet imperialism and U.S. imperialism for control of the planet. Meanwhile in Cuba 26 July Movement (Nationalist Democratic), subject to the principles enshrined in the aspirations they had the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie to break ties with the big landowners, the sugar monopoly, tourism, banking , is undertaken with the Cuban revolution, enlisted in the democratic revolutions of old guy who claimed, among other things, to open spaces for participation in the circuit domestic production constrained economic players by imperialism and the bourgeoisie servile.
Here are some important points about it:
On 26 October 1953, Fidel Castro would note that the contents of the "revolution" in Cuba bourgeois nationalist and democratic era, "to recover the constitutionality and put in place some reforms to trigger economic growth and strengthen the industry affected by colonialism, focusing on the domestic market."
The correct way to extend the core program of the socialist revolution, not reflected so strongly in his program:
According to MANIFESTO SIERRA, the June 12, 1957 prepared by Fidel Castro that was the "revolutionary program" of the Cuban process:
1. Formation of a revolutionary civic front with a common strategy of struggle.
2. Now appoint a figure named to head the provisional government, whose election pledge of disinterest on the part of opposition leaders and impartiality by which it noted, is in charge of all civic institutions.
3. Declaring the country that, given the seriousness of the events, there is another possible solution to the resignation of the dictator and delivery of power to the figure that has the confidence and support of the majority of the nation, expressed through their representative organizations.
4. Declare the front-revolutionary civic does not invoke or accept mediation or intervention of any other nation in the internal affairs of Cuba. That, in turn, supports the allegations of violation of human rights of Cuban immigrants have made to international organizations and requests the government of the United States as long as the current regime of terror and dictatorship, to suspend all arms shipments to Cuba.
5. Declare that the civic front-revolutionary and republican tradition and independence, would not accept to govern the republic for any kind of military junta.
6. Declare that the front-revolutionary civic purpose of housing the army away from politics and ensure the inviolability of the military. The military have nothing to fear from the Cuban people, but on the corrupt clique that sent to death in a fratricidal struggle.
7. Declare under formal promise that the provisional government held elections for all offices of the state, province and municipalities in the period of one year under the provisions of the Constitution of the Electoral Code 40 and 43 and deliver power immediately to the candidate who is elected.
8. Declare that the interim government should adjust its mission to the following schedule:
Immediate release all political prisoners, civil and military
absolute guarantee freedom of information, radio and written press and all civil and political rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Appointment of interim mayors in all municipalities, in consultation with local civic institutions.
Suppression of embezzlement in all its forms and adoption of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of all state agencies,
Establishment of the race administrative.
Democratization of political association promoting free elections in all unions and federations of industries.
Immediate start an intensive campaign against illiteracy and civic education, highlighting the rights and duties that the citizen has with society and the country.
lay the groundwork for an agrarian reform that aims at the distribution of uncultivated land and become owners at all sharecroppers, tenants and squatters who have small plots of land, whether State or private property, upon compensation to former owners.
Adoption of a sound financial policy that protects the stability of our currency and tends to use the credit of the nation in productive works, acceleration of industrialization and job creation. "
As can be evidenced in the program of the Cuban Revolution is nowhere any reference to socialism. The proletariat as a political and ideological concept is totally absent.
Manifesto refers to the "Revolutionary Civic Front." Knows neither understand that society is divided into classes and that among them there are irreconcilable antagonisms that are manifested as class struggle, engine companies. The conception of "civil" is marked by an explicit reference to non-uniformed, non-military and that "sack" put them all, bourgeois, landowners, workers, poor peasants, settlers, etc. The modern version of this proposal scheme Correa wields the bourgeois euphemism of "citizens' revolution", as if all the classes together with common interests on which to fight.
not refers to a specific class to administer the new government according to a new state erguimiento. By contrast, basically refer to the "figure", an individual who most seem to be out of religious or messianic designs. Obviously, the Messiah was inexcusable, Castro.
is clear that the character of that revolution was no more bourgeois reformism, not understood because they were not Marxists, the substantial difference between governance with the state system.
pretended separating the army from politics, of course, ignorance of what the State and which class it serves. What is the political role of itself, its instruments, including among others the case of the repressive apparatus.
Land reform was equally gross: unusable land expropriation compensation after its former owners. In the same way as more than half a century after being undertaken in Ecuador, Correa's reformist regime. Identity is not much chance, is the hallmark of the coming class. Intecionan not destroy the landowners as a class but evolved in a way to conform to new bureaucratic format.
course some will argue that this was an initial proposal that substantially evolved into "socialist revolution." No, it was a bourgeois democratic revolution led by the petty bourgeois intellectuals, which was not driven solely by the rebel army led by Castro and Guevara in Sierra Maestra (childishness of guerrilla center), but relied on a spirited fight started in cities by the unions, miners, students and people in general that without proper direction scrambling policy objectives against the tyrannical regime of dictator fray in urban combat, the cessation of production, instability of the enemy's rear, etc., after this revolution to adapt a pseudo-Marxist discourse and mutation of bourgeois democratic revolution led by the bourgeois democratic revolution led bourgeois revisionism and contends that fed-up to the present bourgeois-bureaucratic dictatorship.
Shortly after the triumph of the revolution, Fidel Castro and E. Guevara decided to visit the U.S. hastily with the aim of preaching that "the revolution Cuba is a communist revolution "that the spirit of it was democratic, against F. Batista's dictatorship. The Cuban leadership never considered objectively, that the character of the Revolution had to be Socialist, however, should be democratic. For the characterization of the country, semi-feudal and fully submitted by U.S. imperialism necessarily the character of this revolution should be democratic, popular anti-imperialist. The variant lies in the fact that those who led the revolution were sheltered by bourgeois ideology, relegating responsibility of the proletariat as the fundamental ideological force driving the revolution and uninterrupted transit to Socialism
The international framework that was developed in the early days the Cuban revolution and particularly the manner of how he reacted on appeal against imperialism under stimulus USSR, was to deepen some aspects of the revolution such as land reform, expropriation of major instruments of the bourgeoisie and landlords, etc. Some anti-imperialist attitudes (basic directions against the U.S.) and "verbal commitment" to Marxism-Leninism have misled many people in Cuba and the world-including in many cases to us in the decades of the century 70'del 60'y did not understand well and objectively the Cuban process, so much so that circumstantially to find "sympathetic hearing" on the left revisionism was established in Cuba Ecuador the main stimulus for them to rush their half-hearted attempts to "make revolution in Ecuador" under the ideological influence (focus guerrilla Guevarism revisionism, opportunism) of Cuba, this being reflected in the inconsistency of political management, the subjectivity of the strategic approach and simply the resounding failure even before starting.
then represented by Cuban leaders Fidel Castro came to call the Soviet revisionists and attended the Global Leadership Conference revisionist in Moscow in 1965 to plan the division of the International Communist Movement in the interests of the Soviet revisionist trend detrimental or search for "weakening" the correct trend flying the CCP.
was precisely the Cuban leaders who have maintained their neutrality in the struggle between Marxist and revisionist preaching the eclecticism and pragmatism, expressions proper revisionism and opportunism.
was the same Fidel Castro who took the meeting of many revolutionary leaders and the world's attention on the Tricontinental Conference to slander China People's Revolution and its leadership headed by Mao Tse-tung. And in the ideological confrontation between the CPC (Communist Party of China) and the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) where he showed the International Communist Movement and the social revisionist imperialist character of the USSR. Cuba established its position, obviously revisionist side of the CPSU.
Cuban leaders were those who refused to attend the V Congress of the Albanian Party of Labour in Albania was exercised when the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (Socialism) as they also fought the Soviet revisionism
The Cuban leadership argued it unnecessary to have the Communist Party to lead the revolution, bypassing the role, indeed decisive, and organization of the proletariat in the revolution. This conception is evident in the opportunistic mechanics of how the revolution came Cubana. First it was the revolution-correct-taking advantage of the mood and vocation of the Cuban people's struggle, took the power, then said "socialist" and later built the Communist Party on the basis of bureaucratic project.
has been the Cuban leadership who has passed the line "third parties", the guerrilla, denying the role played by the masses, ignoring the role of women claiming bias or deny the role that as makers of history to make way for the leaders, the essential, the "supermen" hence the way highlighted the "figure" of Che, Castro and others who were placed on the masses and ideology. It is important to note that no nation, group or organization who barricaded himself in the doctrine of "guerrilla foco" succeeded in their revolutionary pretensions. Their own mentors, including Guevara, who is perverse and foolish to dismiss the decisive nature of the participation of the masses in the Revolutionary War, died in Bolivia adhered to the historical error.
Fidel Castro held that "the subjective conditions in Cuba before the revolution were 7 0 10 rifles" ("the masses?," The contradictions of class? The ideological?) Yarremetiendo against all Marxist approach argued that "I just I am able to make the revolution in Brazil ", in summary statements reflecting his arrogance and petty bourgeois conception of history, the role of the proletariat, class struggle and the prospects of revolution.
Covered under the theoretical and practical parameters that dictated the XX Congress of the CPSU and with it consolidation of revisionism in the USSR, Cuba was generated bureaucratic bourgeoisie replaced with a socialist economic and political format the despotic and repressive regime of the most recalcitrant bourgeois sectors of the island led by F. Batista. After the triumph of the revolution, Cuba was entered in the new international division of labor that printed the USSR and as strategic requirement in the dispute between the imperialist powers at the time.
has been the Cuban leadership that has been supporting more and more small landowners in the countryside and the city without worry about the political fallout that has this dominance, base material of revisionism. Is not uncommon now "get mask" and openly sustain the project of "giving way to capitalism if they never left him, on the contrary, it evolved to the particular conditions of their revolution.
is they who created umbilical dependence on Soviet revisionism abandoning the path of their own efforts, industrial development itself. Chairman Mao told us "do not you can temper the steel in the backyard of the house?". Fallen Soviet revisionism was matter of time that the Cuban leadership among bankruptcy also dragging the masses of this country to live the shame and misery that now lives. It is not unusual since the bankruptcy of the USSR revisionist Cuban agents roam the globe looking for new imperialism or capitalist countries who claim to be delivered to argue conditions to sustain the bureaucratic dictatorship in the island
The Cuban leadership avoided the need to diversify the production according to the needs of the masses mono continuing the cane, the goal of economic development in Cuba that evidence , Among other things, the feudal character of its economy (if the Yankees do not think and did the same in Cuba at the time of Batista?). Produce sugar, oil-negotiate with the USSR in its time, today with Venezuela and the remaining re-exported to earn foreign exchange. Stimulate tourism to its knees by putting the masses in a position subservient to foreign capital seem to be the perfect equation of petty bourgeois pragmatism.
was Fidel Castro who is "trying to oppose the great Marxist thesis that imperialism and all its minions viewed in perspective are paper tigers, has argued stupidly "It would be ridiculous to put us to discuss if they are dogs or hounds, if they are hounds, if paper or if they are of iron."
"On the position of Cuba, at the same time flirting with imperialism saying" we are not going to put right or left, or center ... we will later on the right and left. "Once again the mentality prevailing eclectic baring their class.
On the necessity of armed struggle for the conquest of political power stated: "each people must decide on its way ... that people choose and in some cases will be peaceful and in others the path of armed struggle. "When they made the revolution in Cuba, the revolutionary leadership to the armed struggle was an undeniable need. Now, when suits, armed struggle is relative, as if some "optional". They know that the armed struggle is an inevitable way to destroy the old power, which dialectically there is no way to ignore this kind of politics. His experience still in its revisionist condition dictates that imperialism, the bourgeoisie, the landowners, those who wield power that seeks to confront any attempt to displace the same by use of the most bloody, bloody and violent. This statement would seem to respond to Castro more interest that imperialism does not bind to the Cuban leadership to the armed revisionism processes in Latin America, mainly-that continue to be a "headache" for the U.S. and keep flirting to see what could get from them.
One of the most telling expressions of Cuban leaders Fidel Castro's voice was when he said that that "communism as a social system, solve the economic problem and denies freedom and the Capitalism may mate hunger, freedom fighting communism. "How can you talk a guy who does not know of socialism and communism on its virtues and its flaws? The Cuban leadership character recites the" socialist "revolution and its not even believe in it are not convinced of its application and its necessity and inevitability of history. The "reason to suppose the social conscience of the individual", hence their subjective interpretations.
was Fidel Castro who sustained the struggle posed ideological Marxism Leninism Maoism against Soviet revisionism was only a "Byzantine discussion.
hyena When Alan Garcia of Peru and murdered the people massacred in the most vile and Harteros the comrades of the Communist Party of Peru in the Shining Trenches of Combat, when Leon Febres Cordero of Ecuador unleashed repression and was shown as one of the most reactionary regimes in the history of the country, the Cuban leadership in his country RECEIVED these two criminals with all the honors of "heads of state" thus endorsing their behavior.
Maoist China was not only U.S. imperialism in the capitalist powers in the remnants of his detractors vejo Power and bitter enemies, in time the Cuban leadership also supporting the Soviet revisionism People fought to China. The contradictions that were generated between China and the orbit which involved both the USSR revisionist struggle transcended the two lines move to the struggle between two opposing and irreconcilable views as between Marxism-Leninism, Marxism Today-Leninism-Maoism and revisionism . Today is not uncommon for China capitalist imperialist pretensions have close relationship with the Castro brothers and the Cuban bureaucratic bourgeoisie. The history of class struggle in the international arena of the boundary when contrasted to the leaders of these two countries come together today, are aligned, the final identified in its media, its purposes, in its class nature. In the decade of the century 70'del 60'y class enemies, now allies revisionists.
Fidel Castro, in addition to admonish the FARC's armed struggle for abortion spontaneous considered in relation to the rescue to make the suppression of held by Colombian guerrillas, including Ingrid Betancourt and three agents of the CIA said it "opened a chapter of peace for Colombia, a process which Cuba has been supporting more than 20 years as the most suitable for the unit and liberation of the peoples of our America, using new approaches to complex and special circumstances, after the collapse of the USSR. " It is a particular interpretation of the "father of revisionism of recent years." Open to question how the problem of peace and the resolution of class antagonisms are simplified to the release of some prisoners of war considering that there are steps that advance the masses and their fundamental class: the proletariat, but actions that become the interest of the old state and a guerrilla counterpart also lost in the ideological? Castro would be good to hear how the release of the hostages by the FARC gives "unity and liberation of our America" \u200b\u200bas part of new way to conquer the objectives of the people. If not what armed struggle is the path to liberation? "Latin American integration is now touting the ALBA is nothing that the association of producers bourgeois? Does the electoral or parliamentary means? Obviously F. Castro puts it, class status dictates the way and this is the petty bourgeoisie, the bourgeois reformism, state restoration, the eclecticism, the bureaucratic way in which he is an innovator to hurt America.
As these are many more arguments to be found in the social practice of Cuba to expose the lack of a Socialist project. Worth noting that the Cuban process managed from 1959 until today by the leadership today bureaucrat Communist Party of Cuba has played a meager role in the revolutionary forces in the world and particularly in Latin America to revisionist conceptions deal with the intentionality of the masses by developing revolution and away from the correct revolutionary exercises that underpin the historical project of the proletariat and its allies.
Maoists always fully appreciated the effort scale and stoic struggle of the Cuban people, however we can not lose sight of how damaging and anti-historical has been the conduct of their struggles revisionism hands of Castro and Guevara, as it is on this regard "revolutionary" in which predominantly raised reaction to slander and misinformation regarding the true character must have a well-defined ideological revolution around Marxism-Leninism, Marxism Today-Leninism-Maoism.
There is much to do in Cuba. Regarding socialism is all to do and most importantly, with a resume that truly transit Revolution to socialism before it swept every vestige commit to any bourgeois imperialism and bureaucratic dictatorship.
MAOISM Marxism-Leninism VIVA!
to combat revisionism!
save power, all is illusion!
In recent days the international scene has been marked by information inherent to the apparent changes that are being printed in the economic, political and social system in Cuba.
On That left Ecuador revisionist and opportunist has gone out to "encounter" of the news saying "appropriate" considering the same shift that has taken mankind and can be carried out "without losing the essence of the revolution." The most "radical" talk about ... .. "The alternatives that have been occurring in Cuba represent a backward step in the revolution. "
"Neither one nor the other.
The scope of the Cuban revolution from its proposal until today have been marked by its bourgeois-democratic character, with the particularity that on the march, he joined the socialist democratic discourse language, pseudo-Marxist, which by its nature the process dragged on the path revisionist. No way this puts us in a position to deny some democratic advances of the Cuban revolution but it is essential to clarify that those achievements were and are definitely very far from being socialist and basics awkwardly has maintained its leadership.
that the "revolution" has taken "a step back" is just as false as the Cuban Revolution never took a leap "forward" about building socialism in conditions manifest historical application at first instance and dictatorship of the proletariat to pave the way to Communism.
Just after second half of the twentieth century with the assault on the Branch by the revisionist clique Khrushchev at the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU, already stoked social differences between Soviet imperialism and U.S. imperialism for control of the planet. Meanwhile in Cuba 26 July Movement (Nationalist Democratic), subject to the principles enshrined in the aspirations they had the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie to break ties with the big landowners, the sugar monopoly, tourism, banking , is undertaken with the Cuban revolution, enlisted in the democratic revolutions of old guy who claimed, among other things, to open spaces for participation in the circuit domestic production constrained economic players by imperialism and the bourgeoisie servile.
Here are some important points about it:
On 26 October 1953, Fidel Castro would note that the contents of the "revolution" in Cuba bourgeois nationalist and democratic era, "to recover the constitutionality and put in place some reforms to trigger economic growth and strengthen the industry affected by colonialism, focusing on the domestic market."
The correct way to extend the core program of the socialist revolution, not reflected so strongly in his program:
According to MANIFESTO SIERRA, the June 12, 1957 prepared by Fidel Castro that was the "revolutionary program" of the Cuban process:
1. Formation of a revolutionary civic front with a common strategy of struggle.
2. Now appoint a figure named to head the provisional government, whose election pledge of disinterest on the part of opposition leaders and impartiality by which it noted, is in charge of all civic institutions.
3. Declaring the country that, given the seriousness of the events, there is another possible solution to the resignation of the dictator and delivery of power to the figure that has the confidence and support of the majority of the nation, expressed through their representative organizations.
4. Declare the front-revolutionary civic does not invoke or accept mediation or intervention of any other nation in the internal affairs of Cuba. That, in turn, supports the allegations of violation of human rights of Cuban immigrants have made to international organizations and requests the government of the United States as long as the current regime of terror and dictatorship, to suspend all arms shipments to Cuba.
5. Declare that the civic front-revolutionary and republican tradition and independence, would not accept to govern the republic for any kind of military junta.
6. Declare that the front-revolutionary civic purpose of housing the army away from politics and ensure the inviolability of the military. The military have nothing to fear from the Cuban people, but on the corrupt clique that sent to death in a fratricidal struggle.
7. Declare under formal promise that the provisional government held elections for all offices of the state, province and municipalities in the period of one year under the provisions of the Constitution of the Electoral Code 40 and 43 and deliver power immediately to the candidate who is elected.
8. Declare that the interim government should adjust its mission to the following schedule:
Immediate release all political prisoners, civil and military
absolute guarantee freedom of information, radio and written press and all civil and political rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Appointment of interim mayors in all municipalities, in consultation with local civic institutions.
Suppression of embezzlement in all its forms and adoption of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of all state agencies,
Establishment of the race administrative.
Democratization of political association promoting free elections in all unions and federations of industries.
Immediate start an intensive campaign against illiteracy and civic education, highlighting the rights and duties that the citizen has with society and the country.
lay the groundwork for an agrarian reform that aims at the distribution of uncultivated land and become owners at all sharecroppers, tenants and squatters who have small plots of land, whether State or private property, upon compensation to former owners.
Adoption of a sound financial policy that protects the stability of our currency and tends to use the credit of the nation in productive works, acceleration of industrialization and job creation. "
As can be evidenced in the program of the Cuban Revolution is nowhere any reference to socialism. The proletariat as a political and ideological concept is totally absent.
Manifesto refers to the "Revolutionary Civic Front." Knows neither understand that society is divided into classes and that among them there are irreconcilable antagonisms that are manifested as class struggle, engine companies. The conception of "civil" is marked by an explicit reference to non-uniformed, non-military and that "sack" put them all, bourgeois, landowners, workers, poor peasants, settlers, etc. The modern version of this proposal scheme Correa wields the bourgeois euphemism of "citizens' revolution", as if all the classes together with common interests on which to fight.
not refers to a specific class to administer the new government according to a new state erguimiento. By contrast, basically refer to the "figure", an individual who most seem to be out of religious or messianic designs. Obviously, the Messiah was inexcusable, Castro.
is clear that the character of that revolution was no more bourgeois reformism, not understood because they were not Marxists, the substantial difference between governance with the state system.
pretended separating the army from politics, of course, ignorance of what the State and which class it serves. What is the political role of itself, its instruments, including among others the case of the repressive apparatus.
Land reform was equally gross: unusable land expropriation compensation after its former owners. In the same way as more than half a century after being undertaken in Ecuador, Correa's reformist regime. Identity is not much chance, is the hallmark of the coming class. Intecionan not destroy the landowners as a class but evolved in a way to conform to new bureaucratic format.
course some will argue that this was an initial proposal that substantially evolved into "socialist revolution." No, it was a bourgeois democratic revolution led by the petty bourgeois intellectuals, which was not driven solely by the rebel army led by Castro and Guevara in Sierra Maestra (childishness of guerrilla center), but relied on a spirited fight started in cities by the unions, miners, students and people in general that without proper direction scrambling policy objectives against the tyrannical regime of dictator fray in urban combat, the cessation of production, instability of the enemy's rear, etc., after this revolution to adapt a pseudo-Marxist discourse and mutation of bourgeois democratic revolution led by the bourgeois democratic revolution led bourgeois revisionism and contends that fed-up to the present bourgeois-bureaucratic dictatorship.
Shortly after the triumph of the revolution, Fidel Castro and E. Guevara decided to visit the U.S. hastily with the aim of preaching that "the revolution Cuba is a communist revolution "that the spirit of it was democratic, against F. Batista's dictatorship. The Cuban leadership never considered objectively, that the character of the Revolution had to be Socialist, however, should be democratic. For the characterization of the country, semi-feudal and fully submitted by U.S. imperialism necessarily the character of this revolution should be democratic, popular anti-imperialist. The variant lies in the fact that those who led the revolution were sheltered by bourgeois ideology, relegating responsibility of the proletariat as the fundamental ideological force driving the revolution and uninterrupted transit to Socialism
The international framework that was developed in the early days the Cuban revolution and particularly the manner of how he reacted on appeal against imperialism under stimulus USSR, was to deepen some aspects of the revolution such as land reform, expropriation of major instruments of the bourgeoisie and landlords, etc. Some anti-imperialist attitudes (basic directions against the U.S.) and "verbal commitment" to Marxism-Leninism have misled many people in Cuba and the world-including in many cases to us in the decades of the century 70'del 60'y did not understand well and objectively the Cuban process, so much so that circumstantially to find "sympathetic hearing" on the left revisionism was established in Cuba Ecuador the main stimulus for them to rush their half-hearted attempts to "make revolution in Ecuador" under the ideological influence (focus guerrilla Guevarism revisionism, opportunism) of Cuba, this being reflected in the inconsistency of political management, the subjectivity of the strategic approach and simply the resounding failure even before starting.
then represented by Cuban leaders Fidel Castro came to call the Soviet revisionists and attended the Global Leadership Conference revisionist in Moscow in 1965 to plan the division of the International Communist Movement in the interests of the Soviet revisionist trend detrimental or search for "weakening" the correct trend flying the CCP.
was precisely the Cuban leaders who have maintained their neutrality in the struggle between Marxist and revisionist preaching the eclecticism and pragmatism, expressions proper revisionism and opportunism.
was the same Fidel Castro who took the meeting of many revolutionary leaders and the world's attention on the Tricontinental Conference to slander China People's Revolution and its leadership headed by Mao Tse-tung. And in the ideological confrontation between the CPC (Communist Party of China) and the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) where he showed the International Communist Movement and the social revisionist imperialist character of the USSR. Cuba established its position, obviously revisionist side of the CPSU.
Cuban leaders were those who refused to attend the V Congress of the Albanian Party of Labour in Albania was exercised when the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (Socialism) as they also fought the Soviet revisionism
The Cuban leadership argued it unnecessary to have the Communist Party to lead the revolution, bypassing the role, indeed decisive, and organization of the proletariat in the revolution. This conception is evident in the opportunistic mechanics of how the revolution came Cubana. First it was the revolution-correct-taking advantage of the mood and vocation of the Cuban people's struggle, took the power, then said "socialist" and later built the Communist Party on the basis of bureaucratic project.
has been the Cuban leadership who has passed the line "third parties", the guerrilla, denying the role played by the masses, ignoring the role of women claiming bias or deny the role that as makers of history to make way for the leaders, the essential, the "supermen" hence the way highlighted the "figure" of Che, Castro and others who were placed on the masses and ideology. It is important to note that no nation, group or organization who barricaded himself in the doctrine of "guerrilla foco" succeeded in their revolutionary pretensions. Their own mentors, including Guevara, who is perverse and foolish to dismiss the decisive nature of the participation of the masses in the Revolutionary War, died in Bolivia adhered to the historical error.
Fidel Castro held that "the subjective conditions in Cuba before the revolution were 7 0 10 rifles" ("the masses?," The contradictions of class? The ideological?) Yarremetiendo against all Marxist approach argued that "I just I am able to make the revolution in Brazil ", in summary statements reflecting his arrogance and petty bourgeois conception of history, the role of the proletariat, class struggle and the prospects of revolution.
Covered under the theoretical and practical parameters that dictated the XX Congress of the CPSU and with it consolidation of revisionism in the USSR, Cuba was generated bureaucratic bourgeoisie replaced with a socialist economic and political format the despotic and repressive regime of the most recalcitrant bourgeois sectors of the island led by F. Batista. After the triumph of the revolution, Cuba was entered in the new international division of labor that printed the USSR and as strategic requirement in the dispute between the imperialist powers at the time.
has been the Cuban leadership that has been supporting more and more small landowners in the countryside and the city without worry about the political fallout that has this dominance, base material of revisionism. Is not uncommon now "get mask" and openly sustain the project of "giving way to capitalism if they never left him, on the contrary, it evolved to the particular conditions of their revolution.
is they who created umbilical dependence on Soviet revisionism abandoning the path of their own efforts, industrial development itself. Chairman Mao told us "do not you can temper the steel in the backyard of the house?". Fallen Soviet revisionism was matter of time that the Cuban leadership among bankruptcy also dragging the masses of this country to live the shame and misery that now lives. It is not unusual since the bankruptcy of the USSR revisionist Cuban agents roam the globe looking for new imperialism or capitalist countries who claim to be delivered to argue conditions to sustain the bureaucratic dictatorship in the island
The Cuban leadership avoided the need to diversify the production according to the needs of the masses mono continuing the cane, the goal of economic development in Cuba that evidence , Among other things, the feudal character of its economy (if the Yankees do not think and did the same in Cuba at the time of Batista?). Produce sugar, oil-negotiate with the USSR in its time, today with Venezuela and the remaining re-exported to earn foreign exchange. Stimulate tourism to its knees by putting the masses in a position subservient to foreign capital seem to be the perfect equation of petty bourgeois pragmatism.
was Fidel Castro who is "trying to oppose the great Marxist thesis that imperialism and all its minions viewed in perspective are paper tigers, has argued stupidly "It would be ridiculous to put us to discuss if they are dogs or hounds, if they are hounds, if paper or if they are of iron."
"On the position of Cuba, at the same time flirting with imperialism saying" we are not going to put right or left, or center ... we will later on the right and left. "Once again the mentality prevailing eclectic baring their class.
On the necessity of armed struggle for the conquest of political power stated: "each people must decide on its way ... that people choose and in some cases will be peaceful and in others the path of armed struggle. "When they made the revolution in Cuba, the revolutionary leadership to the armed struggle was an undeniable need. Now, when suits, armed struggle is relative, as if some "optional". They know that the armed struggle is an inevitable way to destroy the old power, which dialectically there is no way to ignore this kind of politics. His experience still in its revisionist condition dictates that imperialism, the bourgeoisie, the landowners, those who wield power that seeks to confront any attempt to displace the same by use of the most bloody, bloody and violent. This statement would seem to respond to Castro more interest that imperialism does not bind to the Cuban leadership to the armed revisionism processes in Latin America, mainly-that continue to be a "headache" for the U.S. and keep flirting to see what could get from them.
One of the most telling expressions of Cuban leaders Fidel Castro's voice was when he said that that "communism as a social system, solve the economic problem and denies freedom and the Capitalism may mate hunger, freedom fighting communism. "How can you talk a guy who does not know of socialism and communism on its virtues and its flaws? The Cuban leadership character recites the" socialist "revolution and its not even believe in it are not convinced of its application and its necessity and inevitability of history. The "reason to suppose the social conscience of the individual", hence their subjective interpretations.
was Fidel Castro who sustained the struggle posed ideological Marxism Leninism Maoism against Soviet revisionism was only a "Byzantine discussion.
hyena When Alan Garcia of Peru and murdered the people massacred in the most vile and Harteros the comrades of the Communist Party of Peru in the Shining Trenches of Combat, when Leon Febres Cordero of Ecuador unleashed repression and was shown as one of the most reactionary regimes in the history of the country, the Cuban leadership in his country RECEIVED these two criminals with all the honors of "heads of state" thus endorsing their behavior.
Maoist China was not only U.S. imperialism in the capitalist powers in the remnants of his detractors vejo Power and bitter enemies, in time the Cuban leadership also supporting the Soviet revisionism People fought to China. The contradictions that were generated between China and the orbit which involved both the USSR revisionist struggle transcended the two lines move to the struggle between two opposing and irreconcilable views as between Marxism-Leninism, Marxism Today-Leninism-Maoism and revisionism . Today is not uncommon for China capitalist imperialist pretensions have close relationship with the Castro brothers and the Cuban bureaucratic bourgeoisie. The history of class struggle in the international arena of the boundary when contrasted to the leaders of these two countries come together today, are aligned, the final identified in its media, its purposes, in its class nature. In the decade of the century 70'del 60'y class enemies, now allies revisionists.
Fidel Castro, in addition to admonish the FARC's armed struggle for abortion spontaneous considered in relation to the rescue to make the suppression of held by Colombian guerrillas, including Ingrid Betancourt and three agents of the CIA said it "opened a chapter of peace for Colombia, a process which Cuba has been supporting more than 20 years as the most suitable for the unit and liberation of the peoples of our America, using new approaches to complex and special circumstances, after the collapse of the USSR. " It is a particular interpretation of the "father of revisionism of recent years." Open to question how the problem of peace and the resolution of class antagonisms are simplified to the release of some prisoners of war considering that there are steps that advance the masses and their fundamental class: the proletariat, but actions that become the interest of the old state and a guerrilla counterpart also lost in the ideological? Castro would be good to hear how the release of the hostages by the FARC gives "unity and liberation of our America" \u200b\u200bas part of new way to conquer the objectives of the people. If not what armed struggle is the path to liberation? "Latin American integration is now touting the ALBA is nothing that the association of producers bourgeois? Does the electoral or parliamentary means? Obviously F. Castro puts it, class status dictates the way and this is the petty bourgeoisie, the bourgeois reformism, state restoration, the eclecticism, the bureaucratic way in which he is an innovator to hurt America.
As these are many more arguments to be found in the social practice of Cuba to expose the lack of a Socialist project. Worth noting that the Cuban process managed from 1959 until today by the leadership today bureaucrat Communist Party of Cuba has played a meager role in the revolutionary forces in the world and particularly in Latin America to revisionist conceptions deal with the intentionality of the masses by developing revolution and away from the correct revolutionary exercises that underpin the historical project of the proletariat and its allies.
Maoists always fully appreciated the effort scale and stoic struggle of the Cuban people, however we can not lose sight of how damaging and anti-historical has been the conduct of their struggles revisionism hands of Castro and Guevara, as it is on this regard "revolutionary" in which predominantly raised reaction to slander and misinformation regarding the true character must have a well-defined ideological revolution around Marxism-Leninism, Marxism Today-Leninism-Maoism.
There is much to do in Cuba. Regarding socialism is all to do and most importantly, with a resume that truly transit Revolution to socialism before it swept every vestige commit to any bourgeois imperialism and bureaucratic dictatorship.
MAOISM Marxism-Leninism VIVA!
to combat revisionism!
save power, all is illusion!
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