Just not overthrow the Tyrant: You have to destroy the State of Operators! CUBA VA
Weekly Workers Revolution
No. 310 February 24, 2011
With joy, the masses of the world watched the fall of one of the worst tyrants, Hosni Mubarak, lackey of the U.S. imperialists and dictator of the Egyptian people for 30 years. A huge popular rebellion shaking shook Egypt in its foundations that society operating under semi imperialism.
media in the service of the imperialist bourgeoisie, the "independent" media spokesmen for the petty bourgeoisie and even some left singing praises about the mummy overthrown, hailed the uprising and attributed the victory to democracy ... Almost all , hide the underlying causes of popular rebellion and some even attribute it to a conspiracy by the U.S. central intelligence - CIA.
Not long ago, from the pages of Revolution Workers alerted the proletariat on the global economic crisis of imperialist capitalism dying, and how she, by exacerbating the contradictions economic, social and political uprisings produce large (the rebellion of the main productive forces) and even possibilities for the triumph of the proletarian revolution. Does Egypt
escaped the crisismundial sweeping the world? No. This is precisely the immediate cause of the giant deep social movement that is shaken by the rule of the exploiters.
The uprising is not over yet and that overthrew the named Pharaoh comenzóa take shape in 2006 when just announcing the economic crisis and the consequent massive layoffs, unemployment, famine, hunger and misery, which was rejected numerous labor strikes crushed under the jackboot ... the old mole of the revolution that Karl Marx spoke, however, continued to show first piercing at its best his work in early 2008, when Egyptian society broke down and the masses, beset by hunger, took to the streets in what the mainstream media called the "bread crisis or war," trying to hide the brunt of the labor movement in early April of that year he starred in a powerful general strike or mass political strike against rising bread and the cost of living and wage increases, but also from those days, the head of the mummy Mubarak, as a representative of the operators.
From before 2006 was accumulating energy that exploded in early 2011 and was incorporated the decisive force in the final offensive against the Mubarak regime when political strikes ranged from Cairo, the capital, major manufacturing and commercial centers: Aswan, Helwan, Mahala, Quesne, Alexandria, Suez, Ismailia, Port Said, Mansura, Damanhur, Qalyubiya ... a profound social movement that emerged from the explotaciónasalariada and endorsed by the official press as a movement of "youth the middle classes "asking for democracy. That was only the appearance of a gigantic and powerful labor movement that, in theabsence independent of his own party, has so far been canalizadopor the reactionary ruling classes to resolve their contradictions and the struggle for state power.
The rapid economic growth in Egypt in the last decade, as a product of imperialist investment and over-exploitation of workers, was responsible for ripening the conditions of the gigantic explosion, showing that absolute law of capitalist accumulation, namely the concentration of wealth and dissipation in the parasitic elite and the concentration of poverty, hunger, oppression, brutalization and working in the vast majority, it is much more painful and terrible this stage of deep agony of imperialism. But this also shows that these conditions awaken the powerful forces of the stronger class of society, which lends itself to the revolution and socialism, but it needs a revolutionary party to transform the righteous rebellion in social and political revolution destroy all the power of capital.
confirmation of the depth of the rebellion movement is not falling Mubarak culminócon but, according to AFP: "led to an 'explosion' of social movements throughout Egypt ... employees of the transportation, banking, oil, textiles and even the official press and some government agencies are on strike to demand wage increases and better working conditions ... "This movement is led by 12,000 workers, mostly women, the country's largest textile factory, Misr Spinning, which employs 24,000 Mahalaal proletarians Kubra in the delta of the Nile: women are the same in abrildel 2008, defying death, abrieronfuego against exploitation and dictatorship!
The facts show that after the appearance of a struggle of youth for democracy, leading unilaterally and selfishly for the press at the service of imperialism, they face the antagonistic classes of modern society: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Confrontation
which have so far benefited the contradictoresde Mubarak, also enemies of working people. CayóMubarak thanks to the invincible power of workers, but the confrontation between antagonistic classes and continues and becomes more clear with the threat of repressive state forces in the service of operators, which remained intact, social crush the rebellion.
fell Pharaoh, a mummy that served as a tool of the Egyptian ruling classes and imperialists, but the entire state machinery, the tool that is useful to operators to ensure their disgusting privileges, remained intact. The popular uprising did not play the power of the dominant classes and that power, as he used Mubarak during his thirty years of brutal dictatorship, will also be used by the new rulers against the forces him down yesterday. Lenin not coincidentally, one of the masters of the proletariat, said the Power Save all is illusion!
fell a tyrant, true, but the political and economic power is still in the hands of the bourgeoisie and landlords Egyptian lackeys who have military forces and support of their imperialist masters Americans, Europeans and Asians have rushed to Greeting the new shape of the bourgeois dictatorship and are ready to place your chips on the new government. The "transition pacific power "announced by the companion of Mubarak, the murderer Mohsen al-Fangari general with a view to" an elected civilian government "does not mean a change in the essence of Egyptian reactionary state, but a compromise between different factions of the ruling classes, an agreement to continue riding on the town.
The clearest lesson of the rebellion in Egypt is that not enough to overthrow the Pharaoh: We must destroy the state models Operators! And for that the working class needs its own independent political party that is able to focus energy and historic initiative of the masses against the power of the ruling classes, to leave no stone stone of the old institutions that perpetuate the privileges of the idle classes, building on its ruins the State of workers and peasants to ensure through the steps and based on the direct power of the armed masses, the abolition of private property classes. Building this kind of party is the most urgent task of the proletarian revolutionaries as the global economic crisis, despite the slight recovery in recent months, aggravated the social crisis and produciránuevos and larger uprisings and popular revolts.
In fact, the working class and popular revolt that began tothe large mass political strike in Europe has extendidoa all countries North Africa, Middle East and reaches the ... proving once again that "a single spark can start a prairie fire" because the world is ripe for revolution and the global economic crisis, now gripping the capitalist imperialism, about the triumph of World Proletarian Revolution.
masses, and especially the world proletarian army is doing its work, fulfilling its mission to rebel against all forms of exploitation and oppression, but that army, which will finally bury the unburied corpse of imperialism needs a staff to direct you: the Communist International of new type, the World Party Revolutionary Proletarian, the essential instrument and main strategic device to establish socialism and communism throughout the land.
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