Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cooking Boston Butt 250


direct or veiled accusations of political motivation that would lock the decision of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court canceling the registration of Sortu as legal training, refer to existence of a prior intent or a mind conditioned by information outside the judicial process. Are the charges Sortu developers and spokesmen for the nationalist left dumped once known failure, recovering the stigma of the State as a monolithic and univocal. But the story of what happened after the discussion of the sixteen judges of that Chamber, when they had to take a decision whether or not to challenge the new party, lets talk about 'politics' in the sense of the term net. Since only an attitude 'policy' may explain why, seven judges who were opposed to the banning of the letters submitted to the registration of parties, only three were willing to write separate opinion disagreeing with the ruling.
This shift toward the majority position indicates that the disagreements were over which presupposes the final result, which probably moves the contents of the statement. It would be safe to assume that the fault discovered in the Supreme pave the way to the Constitutional if it resolves immediately. Most likely scenario if the correct decision to lower some of the arguments presented by the State Attorney and the Attorney General. The speed with which it has ruled the Supreme Constitutional invited to speak before 18 April deadline for submitting nominations for the May 22 elections. But the most significant case is the parsimony with the self serving nationalist left, he waited until the last moment to shape Sortu and now seems to idle, ready to put his application to TC outside the electoral calendar, as if were the others, starting with President López, who had more quickly than they are. Parsimony that encourages the impression that, in fact, the successors of Batasuna would feel more comfortable now shelter a coalition with AD and Alternatiba (Bildu) combined with local groups of voters, corseted by the symbol of the rising sun.
finished the doctrinal effort to clear in the statutes submitted for registration, the left wing nationalists and members have rated Sortu is now expected to be the state that moves from position, activating the TC or rather, admitting the integration of candidates on the lists of the coalition Bildu and groups of voters. The idea that if not this time will be the next was so deep in broad sectors of public opinion is more difficult to justify why not now. To tighten a little more left-wing nationalism and test it, it would be the answer. But it is clear that the heirs of Batasuna will not go beyond where they have come Sortu's bylaws and its defense before the Supreme Court. Because, in the worst case, a change that ultimately can not be presented to local and provincial elections, they know they will achieve pacify the interior, to ensure unanimity. It is this that gives comfort to their leaders. They know they should be some haste, because the later you produce your return to legality will be more evident that the "new stage" announced so religiously to their bases is reduced to its own authentication.
The striking turn of the nationalist left the institutional game can project the feeling of a win, especially if their presence disrupts the majorities set precedent future governance conditions. If somehow or other left-wing nationalism gets to participate in the elections of May 22, there will probably be two winners, she and the Popular Party. Not so much because both are able to obtain an outstanding result in Euskadi, for withdrawal to the special role of the nationalist left and the rise of PP in the forecasts might induce potential supporters among other options. The emergence of the successors of Batasuna not ensure its success after the first ballot. But would contrast with the image so timid and decline that have been offering in recent times, compared to when they appeared with a champion armed back-to successfully perceive among their own ranks.
would have similar effects and can not attend the local and provincial elections in May, the nationalist left side regained the legality of some general that could be brought forward to next fall. A PP winner and the heirs of Batasuna able to return to Congress and the Senate and the dissonant voice of the Parliament of Rajoy. Be achieved because the nationalist left in place elected councils, general meetings and Navarre Parliament, either because they do not succeed, in the likely event that the Constitutional ruling on the appeal that this Sortu after the next elections, its judges may find la cuestión de fondo -inacción etarra y moderación radical- tan madura que les resulte muy difícil dar la razón al Supremo. Se convertiría en un trampolín moral que permitiría a la izquierda abertzale acomodarse definitivamente en la desmemoria.
Kepa Aulestia (en El Correo y Diario Vasco)


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