The Burghers of former socialist countries
Weekly Revolution Workers No. 309
February 4, 2011
the late 50's sounded like a sentence abstract stated that in the States then socialist Russia and China the bourgeoisie rode his headquarters in the Communist Party and its center was at the highest levels of Party and state apparatus. Today, more than half a century later we can see clearly the deep meaning of this truth learned with great suffering for the working people of the world.
Russia has unveiled, in case of capture Kosygin, that privatization of state enterprises Revisionist Party leaders achieved enormous concentration and accumulation of capital. With Kosygin as head of state in the 80's, the bureaucratic bourgeoisie revisionist took measures to take control of all affairs of state and build goodwill in their own hands. To these gentlemen
supported the Colombian Communist Party, called Mamerto, these gentlemen also endorsed the international Trotskyists, condemning Stalin as a dictator to prevent, while he lived, which the bourgeoisie took the reins of government.
The same happens in China: Major Party bosses who dominate all, are big bankers, builders. Chinese President Hu Jintao is one of the richest men in the world. China went from being a socialist country to become a bastion of imperialism and reaction, the state of workers and peasants stopped being into a machine to serve the interests of the new bourgeois ruling class in China.
Hu Jintao, says the bourgeois media is the most powerful man in the world, has 1.3 billion people under its mandate oppressor, is the director of one of the strongest dictatorial machinery in the world. Is a billionaire and is the secretary general of the fake Chinese Communist Party. His wealth gives him dictatorial power and this place among all operators.
In a country where capitalism was restored in the area of \u200b\u200bthe economy, as in all other spheres of society, remove the label of Communist country, is one of the struggles between the bourgeoisie and imperialism China international This explains the dispute to free the nobel peace prize.
In European countries led by the Social Democrats, its program to humanize capitalism, its results also shows half a century later: the capitalist crisis puts their foul deceit stripping handsome men, with the millions of laid-off and anti-labor measures, and makes clear its role as capital of the financial parasite bribes, who sold countries like Spain, Portugal and Greece today bankrupt with debts.
The betrayal of the revisionist leaders and incontrovertible results of his favors imperialism Lenin reaffirms currency: the struggle against imperialism is nothing but an empty phrase and false if not linked to the fight against opportunism.
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