By: Wilson Enríquez.
Saturday March 5, 2011
competition between criminals and traitors: Alan Garcia, Ollanta Humala, Keiko Fujimori, Pablo Kuczynski and Castaneda Lossio.
April 10 general elections will take place in Peru, a country where politics is reaching extremes Creole nauseating, after an election paraphernalia attached to it as democratic, dark looming transnational interests subsisting and drug trafficking, a situation which dark cloak hanging on the 3 Presidential candidates who have occupied prime place in various opinion polls, and that also extends even on peripheral candidates will have no choice to occupy the chair of Pizarro.
For over three decades, the puny and false Peruvian democracy has faced the Peruvian Communist revolutionaries, attributing an alleged links with drug trafficking (1), however, the rulers of the old Peruvian state, and now, even many of their candidates, are complicated to the core in the dirty business of cocaine trafficking, the exhaustive research performed by Rosana Bond (2), now add more names, facts and figures that clearly demonstrate the links between drug trafficking and Peruvian political elite.
The clan Sánchez Paredes and Peruvian political class
the Sánchez Paredes clan, a family according to the Anti-Drug Directorate (DIRANDRO) Peru's history records for drug trafficking since the early 1980 (3), but often serve as a business group of the original mining northern department of La Libertad, as well as land speculators or euphemistic terms dedicated to real estate (4).
The first days of February this year, it was learned that Alfredo Sánchez, son of Orlando Sanchez Paredes, one of the leaders of the clan, had made a donation of U.S. $ 5,000 in the 2006 presidential campaign to APRA , party of current President of Peru, Alan Garcia Perez, the president without flinching and in a sample of cynicism absolute fighter called in active washes of drug trafficking, and about 5 years after completing his term as president made him the return of $ 5,000 to Mr. Sanchez Miranda (5), as if the problem is reduced to receive and return the money regardless of the origin of the donor and the links in a country where drug trafficking is growing in geometric progression.
But Sánchez Paredes clan ties are not only linked to Pérez García and APRA, but also have close ties with the Popular Christian Party (PPC) and even with former President Alejandro Toledo (6), who today as candidate President has been leading the polls with about 30% of the intention to vote.
Other connections to drug trafficking
But in a country where drug trafficking abounds, not just the Sánchez Paredes are the only characters linked to drug trafficking and politics at a time, there are those who Martínez Peruvian press has dubbed the "Olluquito clan."
In 2000, the then first lady of Argentina, the daughter of dictator Alberto Fujimori inmate and current presidential candidate, Keiko Fujimori, interceded to get a pardon to the convict Ana Martinez, a member of the family "clan Olluquito" ; Keiko Fujimori does not regret this inexplicable defense nor having received the sum of U.S. $ 10,000 in support of their current presidential campaign (7).
But this is not the only link with drug trafficking Keiko Fujimori, recent Wikileaks cables reported that in November 2006, the U.S. embassy in Lima would Rofilio information Neyra, old militant from the ranks Fujimori, his campaign was financed the regional government of Ayacucho in 2006 with money from drug trafficking, in addition, Fujimori had among its congressional candidates to folk music singer Pepe Vázquez, who was accused of having rented a car in which they found 60 kilograms of cocaine in December last year (8).
All these allegations and evidence demonstrate a clear intent to republish in Peru a narco-state run by the natural successor of the Fujimori-Montesinos tandem, this situation is not surprising in a country whose colonial remnants are of great utility theory kinship to trace the threads of power handled by caste and family clans. Transnational and traitors
But because drug trafficking is not the only business linked to power, we also find other forms of business, in fact, Toledo to declare the list of contributions to the fund for his presidential campaign revealed that the Brazilian company Camargo Correa Construções made contributions in excess of U.S. $ 60,000, the same company two years ago was investigated by the strange way it was awarded a grant to build two water treatment plants, drinking in Lima. Also the construction
Queiroz Galvão SA made a contribution of over U.S. $ 70,000, a major company that has a radius of action in Latin America and Africa, and together with Camargo Correa and Andrade Gutierrez were awarded the section 4 of the bi-oceanic road between Peru and Brazil, in the previous presidential term of Toledo.
Meanwhile, Enghenaria Galvão SA made a contribution of more than 70,000 U.S. dollars to the campaign of Toledo, the newspaper "El Comercio, Peru, the latter both as a Brazilian company Queiroz Galvão have not only contributed to the campaign of Toledo but also that of another presidential candidate Ollanta Humala (9).
On the other hand, not only favored candidates in the publications of the surveys have their links with transnational companies, hence Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, who does not even reach 3% in the polls, but a long career in the appliance Peruvian state, as has been Minister of Energy and Mines in 1980, Minister Economy and Finance in 2001 under President Toledo, Consultant Central Bank of Peru, the World Bank. Kuczynski
leading the party "Alliance for Progress", which apparently misses the name of the American colonial plan in Latin America in the early 1960s; of this character, it is known that not only has Peruvian nationality but also U.S.. A few days ago Wikileaks wires reported that Kuczynski was considered by the U.S. Embassy as a faithful ally to the transnational mining companies, cable was sent in 2005, in the context of strong conflicts between people's organizations and mining companies Peru operating in the foreign country (10).
are also candidates Lossio Castañeda, former Mayor of Lima, which, although not blatantly obvious links with drug trafficking and transnational corporations and their opponents, is involved in a complex web of corruption, when it became a debt of municipality Lima to Relima cleaning company, a debt that was bought by a fake company name Comunicore by the sum of about $ 6 million, then charge about $ 14 million. This company had as a key player Jose Luis Pinillos Giuliana Broggi Belaúnde Lossio husband, presidential candidate niece (11).
Another of the embezzlement of the Municipality of Lima who is accused Castaneda Lossio is to have inflated the budget of the new urban transport system called "The Metropolitan" to reach the figure of 300 million Americans, more than double the budget originally submitted .
Meanwhile, another candidate, Ollanta Humala was accused of torture, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in the village of Pucayacu, while serving as head of the military base in Madre Mia in 1992, in the context of the implementation of counterinsurgency policy of extermination applied by Peru (12).
All this handbook of the main contenders the presidency of Peru, they merely reveal that this role is being played between people who are accused of being addicted to transnational links to drug trafficking, allegations of murder and kleptocracy.
Against this surreal picture presented by the presidential elections in Peru, the questions are rabble At what point out the worst, most foul sewers Peruvian Creole policy became an alternative to the real problems of people of Peru? in fact, was not in previous elections or best elements prevail possibilities for genuine democratic interests of the Peruvian people, in this way, it would be naive think that in future the situation would be different.
(1) This has been reported multiple times by DNA, as shown see the following link: http://www.anovademocracia.com.br/edicion-en-espanol/137-n-70- octobre-de-2010-/3210-noticias-de-la-guerra-popular.
(2) Rosana Bond. Peru: Incas do império two year império given cocaine. 2004. Rio de Janeiro. (3) See link: http://www.larepublica.pe/archive/all/larepublica/20100228/14/node/252625/todos/15
(4) See link: http://www.caretas.com .pe / main.asp? T = 3082 & ide = 714 & ids = 327.
(5) See link: http://www.peru21.net/2011/02/alan-garcia-devolvio-donacion/
(6) See link: http://www.cronicaviva.com.pe/index.php/politica/2-politica/12659-publican-foto-de-alejandro-toledo-con-manuel-sanchez-paredes
(7) See link: http://www.diariolaprimeraperu.com/online/politica/keiko-defiende-al-clan-olluquito_80397.html
(8) See link: http://www.diariolaprimeraperu.com/
(9) See link: http://elcomercio.pe/politica/710220/noticia-constructoras-brasilenas-dan-principales-aportes -peru-possible
(10) See link: http://www.diariolaprimeraperu.com/online/politica/kuczynski-hombre-de-las-mineras-seg-n-wikileaks_79083.html
(11) See link: http://www.desdeeltercerpiso.com/2010/02/castaneda-y-comunicore/
(12) See link: http://www.peru.com/noticias/sgc/
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