On days past, in the Plenary Hall of Tafalla, it became clear where was the dividing line between Democrats who are not. Denying the existence of torture to their own neighbors, as did the majority of the council, not just a matter of cynical or misinformed, is taking a proactive approach to hide, and therefore for the further production. They are cowards, none of the council would be able to deny, staring into the eyes of Harvey and Marine, Author Garazi parents that their daughter was tortured and was sexually molested. Nor dare to deny it before Etxebarria Beatriz's parents, raped a few days later with a stick in a police station; parents or Iker Moreno, well known in Tafalla, or dozens of Navarre who complain of torture in so far this year.
only we are not saying. These days there have been two cases in Strasbourg condemned the English state for failing to investigate the torture. We have also known the sentence of a judge on the wild Donostia torture practiced in Portu and Sarasola. And on the Internet are the annual reports of Amnesty International denounced the English State, as well as reports of the Rapporteur of the UN. All this is public, is available and you can ask people directly affected, without departing from the same municipality. You can also ask any of the 28 neighbors of Tafalla and the region who have suffered torture these past years.
CouncillorsBut UPN and PSOE (and cowardly abstaining) prefer to continue working with the scourge of torture, denying its existence. Then his comrades of the Civil Government the task has finished sending substantial fines Falces young people who marched to protest what they had done to Garazi.
Torture is a crime imprescriptible, crimes against humanity. International laws are justified, and to allow the death penalty and war, but all qualify as torture most heinous crime against the human condition. A day will come that this practice be eradicated and cursed his memory. But do not forget that allow institutions, nor the officials who have practiced and should be judged, or the name of low-level politicians who denied it. And maybe one day get that these people feel embarrassed to have had the council.
Juan José Irigoyen, San Martín and Xabier Kepa Les
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